Orcini New Dalek

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The Orcini New Daleks, known simply as New Daleks, were a race of Daleks created by Gonzo Orcini, a brilliant mathematician and renowned pacifist. They were a "refined, highly intellectual version" of the Old Daleks designed by Davros.

Characteristics[[edit] | [edit source]]

On first glance, the Orcini New Dalek looked much the same as the Old Daleks, but with far less armour and and an infrastructure lacking a weapon system. Another major modification was that each Dalek was equipped with a massively powerful computer capable of reasoning and bringing an empathetic point of view to any situation, the conditioned response to kill and destroy having been removed. The New Daleks used had personal names and a mixture of new style voices which were much softer, less threatening and often more conciliatory.

The hierarchy of the New Daleks included Third Class Dalek Leader and First Class Dalek Leader. (PROSE: War and Peace)