Space Major

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Jon Bowman, a veteran of the Draconian Wars, was promoted to Space Major during the Second Dalek War of the 26th century, after his efforts fighting the First Dalek Incursion. As Space Major, he was removed from frontline service to act as a consultant for Earth Central's defensive systems. He deserted upon the project's completion once Earth deemed him a security risk and resolved to wipe his memory. Bowman became an unaffiliated bounty hunter for much of the war but the Daleks still considered him a priority target because of his knowledge of Earth's defences. Bowman received a full pardon from Earth for his contribution to end the war. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks)

Jay Bourne was a Space Major in the Space Security Service. She was involved in the Dalek war of the 40th/41st century, aiding the Eleventh Doctor during the Dalek attack on Station 7. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek)

After passing a gruelling military training course, Joel Shaw was appointed Space Major by the Supreme Commander of the United Planets and named leader of the newly-established Anti-Dalek Force. (PROSE: Terror Task Force)