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|species          = Ulk-Ra
|species          = Ulk-Ra
|brother          = Otchon
|brother          = Otchon
|affiliation      =
|affiliation      = Plume Coteries
|origin            = [[Planet (War Crimes)|Planet]]
|origin            = [[Planet (War Crimes)|Planet]]
|only              = War Crimes (short story)
|first            = War Crimes (short story)
|appearances      = {{Il|[[PROSE]]: ''[[Cobweb and Ivory (short story)|Cobweb and Ivory]]''|[[PROSE]]: ''[[A Farewell to Arms (short story)|A Farewell to Arms]]''|[[PROSE]]: ''[[White Canvas (short story)|White Canvas]]''}}
'''Coloth''' was a young male [[Ulk-Ra]]. He had a brother named [[Otchon]].
'''Coloth''' was a young [[Ulk-Ra]] who was [[Resurrection|brought back to life]] by the [[Plume Coteries]] to act as an agent of theirs. ([[PROSE]]: ''[[White Canvas (short story)|White Canvas]]'')

Tasked by the chief male of his clan, Coloth underwent a rite to become considered a [[warrior]]: he went out into the wild with the goal of killing a beast and bringing back its [[pelt]]. However, Coloth was found by [[Ossu-male]], an Ulk-Ra augmented by the [[War Lord]]s, and captured. Coloth was kept trapped in woven vegetation for a while until - on orders from the War Lord programming - Ossu-male killed Coloth by slicing him open with his [[paw]]s. ([[PROSE]]: ''[[War Crimes (short story)|War Crimes]]'')
== Biography ==
=== Original life ===
Coloth grew up on [[Planet (War Crimes)|a planet]] home to his people, the [[Ulk-Ra]]. He had a brother named [[Otchon]], who once let Coloth taste [[reed wine]].
Tasked by the chief male of his clan, a young Coloth underwent a rite to become considered a [[warrior]]: he went out into the wild with the goal of killing a beast and bringing back its [[pelt]]. However, Coloth was captured by [[Ossu-male]], an Ulk-Ra augmented by the [[War Lord]]s for the [[War Game]]s and returned to Coloth's homeworld by the [[Time Lord]] [[High Council]]. Coloth was kept trapped in woven vegetation for a period until on orders from the War Lord programming Ossu-male brutally killed Coloth by slicing him open with his [[paw]]s. ([[PROSE]]: ''[[War Crimes (short story)|War Crimes]]'')
=== Resurrected by the Plume Coteries ===
In "a long story that could be a book in itself", Coloth was brought back to life by the [[posthuman]] [[Plume Coteries]] and given the ability to [[Shapeshifter|shapeshift]]. ([[PROSE]]: ''[[White Canvas (short story)|White Canvas]]'') In his new life, Coloth sometimes gravitated to being a [[cactus]]-[[skin]]ned [[humanoid]]. ([[PROSE]]: ''[[Cobweb and Ivory (short story)|Cobweb and Ivory]]'', ''[[White Canvas (short story)|White Canvas]]'', ''[[A Farewell to Arms (short story)|A Farewell to Arms]]'')
Coloth represented the Plume Coteries on [[Terra Primagenia]] at the unveiling of [[Cernunnos]]. Fleeing from a [[painted warrior]] during a [[praxis]] trip, [[Avus]] shoved past Coloth and was hurt by his cactus skin. ([[PROSE]]: ''[[Cobweb and Ivory (short story)|Cobweb and Ivory]]'')
Coloth once spent some time working at the Plume Coteries' [[library]] alongside [[Marissa (White Canvas)|Marissa]]. He greeted [[Graelyn Scythes]], [[Archimedes von Ahnerabe]], and Lady [[Aesculapius]] when they came to the library with [[Auteur]] and helped them find ''[[The Book of the Enemy]]''. After they used the book to determine the [[Original Mammoths]] were responsible for the attacks on the [[10,000 Dawns]], Coloth, motivated by the concept of Ulk-Ra bravery, offered to come with them to [[Alter-time realm (Cobweb and Ivory)|the Mammoths' home]]. Along with almost everyone else in the Mammoth's domain, Coloth was turned to [[fiction]] when Auteur revealed her masterplan and nearly completed her ritual circle. Coloth had a [[movie]] series in [[Town (White Canvas)|Auteur's Town]] which included ''[[Coloth Adventures 4: The Patron of Doom]]''. Coloth escaped from fictionality during the Town's destruction and briefly fought the [[Firmament]] with Lady Aesc. Later, he was present at [[the Needle]] during the signing of the [[Christmas Needle Agreement]], playing [[cards]] with Archimedes, Aesc, and many other [[alien]]s. ([[PROSE]]: ''[[White Canvas (short story)|White Canvas]]'')
As a cactus ''man'' instead of a cactus boy, Coloth once walked through a section of the [[Labyrinth (The Book of the War)|Labyrinth]] resembling a regular alley. [[Nezf]], [[Wade (A Farewell to Arms)|Wade]], [[Tabrenilsodvoravitas]], and [[Shift (A Farewell to Arms)|a Shift]] passed Coloth on their way to steal the [[Greater Key]] from [[the Fortress]]. ([[PROSE]]: ''[[A Farewell to Arms (short story)|A Farewell to Arms]]'')
== Behind the scenes ==
* Prior to Coloth's cameo appearance in [[Nate Bumber]]'s ''[[Cobweb and Ivory (short story)|Cobweb and Ivory]]'' almost 20 years after his debut in ''[[War Crimes (short story)|War Crimes]]'', Bumber contributed a story foreshadowing Coloth's reappearance, titled ''The Library At the End Of the Universe: A Comprehensive History'', to the 2017 fan anthology ''Shit Trips 2''. The story features the [[Thirteenth Doctor]] and a boy named "Callum" in the [[Plume Coteries]]' [[library]] preparing for Coloth's arrival, with the Doctor at one point saying, "History has been broken. The most important person in all of time and space was killed before their time, and they'll be coming through here any day."

[[Category:Individual Ulk-Ra]]
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