Talk:Grant Gordon

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Grant (The Return of Doctor Mysterio)[[edit source]]

So, Grant's not given a surname on The Return of Doctor Mysterio, neither in-universe nor on the credits. As Ghost Stories feautred him once again, we decided to wait an check if the comics would use "Gordon" as a surname. The last issue was released this week, and "Gordon" wasn't used in them as well. I believe it's time to finally change the "rename" tag to a "speedy rename". OncomingStorm12th 01:30, May 25, 2017 (UTC)

Throughout the internet, everyone seems to agree that the character's surname is "Gordon". If this isn't mentioned in the episode or its credits, any clue where it did come from? – N8 17:32, November 7, 2017 (UTC)
Apparently, it came from an interview of Steven Moffat. I think I found it once but didn't save the link. Amorkuz 17:45, November 7, 2017 (UTC)

3.5 years later, the name "Grant Gordon" is still used very widely across the internet for this character, which leaves this page's name uselessly obtuse. I'm interested in renaming this page to Grant Gordon with Template:Conjecture. Would anyone be opposed? – n8 () 16:32, 5 April 2021 (UTC)

100% agree with N8, this seems like a rather straightforward decision. NoNotTheMemes 06:26, 23 February 2022 (UTC)

To elaborate on the above, as I said at Talk:Lucy Fletcher, Moffat's use of alliterative names for the main characters was an intentional reference to comic book naming tropes. By accepting the universally-used last name from OOO sources, we'll not only disambiguate this page but also make Moffat's intention clearer. – n8 () 14:12, 19 July 2022 (UTC)
In line with the increase in reliance on conjectural names as of late, I think it makes sense to finally square this old bugbear. The major guest star of a NuWho Christmas special, and titular character of a spin-off of sorts (Ghost Stories), shouldn't be dabbed if we can at all avoid it.
I'm moving this page to Grant Gordon for now.
That being said, I've had another idea which probably bears discussing: could we not obviate this conjectural-names issue altogether by having the page at The Ghost? Generally we favour characters' chosen "the [X]" titles over their legal names, as tested with the decisions on The Rani and The Monk not being at Ushas and Mortimus. The Ghost is arguably a somewhat different case, insofar as there is no rejection of his old name going on: he lives parallel lives under both. But it's worth considering, if only to put a pin on quite why we're not applying the Ushas precedent. Scrooge MacDuck 14:22, 19 July 2022 (UTC)
Another example of an alias being used over a "real" name would be Superman not being located at Clark Kent. Cookieboy 2005 13:08, 3 August 2022 (UTC)
He's referred to as Grant more frequently than the Ghost, so I personally think his real name should take precedence over his alter-ego, unlike Superman. BananaClownMan 06:26, 7 August 2023 (UTC)
I agree with BananaClownMan. He's referred to as Grant more than he is referred to as the Ghost. Moreover, his narrative significance as far as Doctor Who is concerned is on his personhood rather than his secret identity. We meet Grant as a child, we focus on his lovelife, en etc. --we should not extend our approach to Time Lord names to secret identities. That seems silly. NoNotTheMemes 00:03, 10 November 2023 (UTC)