The Visual Dictionary: Updated and Expanded (reference book)
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The Visual Dictionary: Updated and Expanded was the fourth edition of The Visual Dictionary, released in 2014, this time covering Doctor Who up to and including the eighth series and the Twelfth Doctor. The book comes with a lenticular cover picture consisting of the 12th Doctor in front of the TARDIS with open doors, the 12th Doctor vanishing in a flash of light in front of the TARDIS with open doors, and the TARDIS with closed doors and its top light turned on.
Chapters[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Mysterious Visitor
- Renegade Time Lord
- Anatomy of the Doctor
- Regeneration
- Many Faces: One Time Lord
- Inside the TARDIS
- featuring illustration by Peter McKinstry
- Tools of the trade
- Time Lords
- River Song
- Clara Oswald
- Danny Pink
- Amy Pond
- Rory Williams
- Leadworth
- featuring illustration by James Southall
- Captain Jack Harkness
- Donna Noble
- Rose Tyler
- Martha Jones
- Human Allies
- Torchwood
- Sarah Jane Smith
- K-9
- John Smith
- Daleks
- Dalek Flagship
- featuring illustration by John Malony
- Davros
- The Genesis Ark
- Dalek Sec
- Cult of Skaro
- Davros's Empire
- Dalek Asylum
- Ironsides
- Paradigm Daleks
- Inside a Dalek
- Cybermen
- Cybus Industries
- The CyberKing
- Hedgewick's World
- Weeping Angels
- Army of Angels
- The Great Intelligence
- The Ood
- Platform One
- Guests of Platform One
- Lady Cassandra
- The Slitheen
- Satellite 5
- The Sycorax
- New Earth
- The Werewolf
- Gelth
- Krillitanes
- SS Madame De Pompadour
- The Beast
- featuring illustration by Richard Bonson
- Racnoss
- Plasmavores
- The Judoon
- The Carrionites
- The Family of Blood
- The Master
- The Toclafane
- The Master Race
- The Heavenly Host
- Adipose Industries
- Vespiform
- Pyroviles
- Sontarans
- The Hath
- Vashta Nerada
- The Flood
- San Helios
- Prisoner Zero
- Smilers
- Star Whale
- Saturnynes
- Silurians
- Silurian Warriors
- Madame Vastra
- The Pandorica
- featuring illustration by Peter McKinstry
- The Alliance
- Peg Dolls
- Handbots
- The Fancy
- Minotaur
- Gangers
- The Order of Silence
- Demon's Run
- Trenzalore
- Kahler
- Shakri
- Akhaten
- Sweetville
- Ice Warriors
- Zygons
- The Half-Face Man
- Robots of Sherwood
- Karabraxos
- Index
- Acknowledgments
Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Reproducing some of the content from Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary first published in 2010, this updated and expanded edition includes all stories up to the end of series 8.