
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

I've only seen the revival series, and am entirely unfamiliar with any other Doctor Who-related media!

Top 10 NuWho Episodes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. 0911 Heaven Sent
  2. 0416 The Waters of Mars
  3. 0308 Human Nature / The Family of Blood
  4. 0310 Blink
  5. 0210 Love and Monsters (because it's so bad, it's good)
  6. 0804 Listen
  7. 0601 The Impossible Astronaut
  8. 1006 Extremis
  9. 0411 Turn Left
  10. 0410 Forest of the Dead

NuWho Doctor Ranking[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. The Twelfth Doctor
  2. The Tenth Doctor
  3. The Ninth Doctor
  4. The Eleventh Doctor
  5. The Thirteenth Doctor
  6. The War Doctor

NuWho Season Ranking[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. Series 9
  2. Series 4
  3. Series 5
  4. Series 8
  5. Series 1
  6. Series 3
  7. Series 6
  8. Series 10
  9. Series 11
  10. Series 2
  11. Series 7
  12. Series 12