New Earth (TV story): Difference between revisions

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* [[Jackie Tyler]] — [[Camille Coduri]]
* [[Jackie Tyler]] — [[Camille Coduri]]
* [[Mickey Smith]] — [[Noel Clarke]]
* [[Mickey Smith]] — [[Noel Clarke]]
* [[Cassandra O'Brien|Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen]] - [[Zoë Wanamaker]]
* [[Cassandra O'Brien|Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen]] - [[Zoë Wanamaker]]/[[Billie Piper]]
* [[Chip]] — [[Sean Gallagher]]
* [[Chip]] — [[Sean Gallagher]]
* [[Matron Casp]] — [[Doña Croll]]
* [[Matron Casp]] — [[Doña Croll]]

Revision as of 16:24, 22 December 2008


In the year five billion and twenty-three, after the destruction of the Earth, the Doctor takes Rose to the New Earth. There, in a hospital facility, the feline Sisters of Plenitude can cure any disease, but in the basement an old enemy of the Doctor is out for revenge.


As the Tenth Doctor powers up the TARDIS, Rose says good-bye to Jackie and Mickey at the Powell Estate. Although Jackie and Mickey sadly watch the TARDIS fade away, inside the ship Rose is all smiles as she asks where they are going next. The Doctor tells her that they are going further than they have ever gone before.

The TARDIS materialises on New Earth, in the year five billion and twenty-three. Following the destruction of Earth, Humanity became nostalgic and settled a new planet with similar gravity and atmosphere in the Galaxy M87. Rose is delighted at the beauty of the new world, the sight of the futuristic city of New New York in front of them and the smell of the apple-grass. However, the two travellers are being observed by a robot spider controlled by Chip, a small, pale man with multiple tattoos. Chip takes his orders from Lady Cassandra, who is still alive and recognises Rose.

The Doctor and Rose head for New New York Hospital because the Doctor having been summoned by a telepathic message displayed on his psychic paper: "Ward 26, Please Come". The hospital is run by humanoid feline nuns belonging to an order called the Sisters of Plenitude. Trying to find the right ward, the Doctor and Rose enter separate lifts, which give each of them a disinfecting shower. However, Chip has overridden Rose's lift controls, and diverts her to the basement. He beckons her forward, calling her by name, which rouses her suspicions.

In the ward, the Doctor is escorted around by Sister Jatt. He observes that the patients all have diseases which are supposed to be incurable, but yet the Sisters are able to cure them. However, the nuns are evasive about what precisely is in the coloured solutions that are given to the patients. The Doctor then recognises who it must be that has called him here — the Face of Boe. He is being tended to by Novice Hame, who tells the Doctor that the Face is dying of old age.

Meanwhile, Rose explores the basement warily, and finds an old projector showing a film of a party, with several men surrounding a blond woman with a very familiar voice. That same voice makes Rose turn to see Cassandra, looking just as she did: a piece of skin stretched out on a frame above a brain jar. Cassandra had been reconstructed from another piece of her skin, and Chip (a force-grown clone devoted to Cassandra) smuggled her into the hospital, where he has been tending to her ever since. However, Cassandra has discovered that the Sisters are hiding something, and to find out what, she needs Rose's help... or rather her body. Using a device called a psychograft, Cassandra implants her consciousness over Rose's own, allowing her own brain to die.

In the ward, Novice Hame tells the Doctor that legend has it that the Face has lived for thousands, perhaps millions of years and that he will give his dying message to a wanderer without a home. The Doctor realises that he fits the description in the legend, but says nothing. Below, Cassandra reads Rose's surface thoughts and discovers that the man with Rose is the Doctor, with a new face. She goes to meet him.

"Rose's" odd behaviour raises the Doctor's suspicions, especially when she kisses him passionately and later shows anachronistic knowledge of the hospital's computer systems. With her help, however, they enter Intensive Care and discover the horrifying secret of the cures: hundreds of individual pods containing artificially grown Human beings infected with a thousand different diseases, a Human farm to breed cures. If they become healthy enough to speak or move, the Sisters kill them. The Doctor, in a rage, confronts Novice Hame about this, but she argues that these artificial Humans are just "flesh". It was necessary to cope with the influx of patients and diseases. He demands they reverse what they have done to Rose, not realising that it is Cassandra who has taken over. "Rose" knocks out the Doctor with some drugged perfume.

While the Doctor is trapped in a pod about to be injected with diseases, "Rose" tries to blackmail Matron Casp, demanding payment to keep quiet about the Sisters' actions. When Casp declines and threatens her physically, "Rose" releases some of the plague carriers. They, in turn, release the rest, and the zombie-like mass of them start to lurch through the hospital, infecting and killing anyone that touches them almost instantly, with Sister Jatt the first to die. After failing to find a way out through the basement, the Doctor demands Cassandra release Rose, threatening her with the sonic screwdriver. Cassandra transfers her consciousness to the Doctor instead. The "Doctor" and Rose climb up the lift shaft, pursued by the carriers. Matron Casp tries to stop them, but is infected and falls down the shaft, screaming. Cassandra transfers herself to a plague carrier so that the Doctor can use the sonic screwdriver to unseal the lift doors, then jumps back into Rose. "Rose" is momentarily shocked and moved by the loneliness the carriers feel, not being able to touch or be touched all their lives.

The Doctor and "Rose" reach Ward 26, which seems to be the only place still untouched by the carriers. The Doctor takes all of the intravenous solutions and straps them to his body. Together with "Rose", he slides back down the shaft to the lift car, where he empties the solutions into the disinfectant reservoir. The Doctor opens the doors, luring several plague carriers inward as "Rose" starts the shower. The spray drenches the carriers, curing them. The Doctor encourages them to pass it on, and they wander back out to spread the cure to the others.

The surviving Sisters are arrested by the New New York Police Department, and the cured New Humans (as the Doctor calls them), are to be taken into care. At that moment, the Doctor remembers the Face of Boe. No longer dying, the Face tells the Doctor telepathically that he had grown tired of the universe, but the Doctor had taught him to look at it anew. The Doctor asks the Face about his message, but he enigmatically replies that it can wait for their third and final meeting. The Face then teleports away.

The Doctor now orders Cassandra out of Rose's body. Cassandra transfers her consciousness to Chip instead, but his cloned body begins to fail, and Cassandra accepts her impending, true death; the New Earth has no place for people like her and Chip. The Doctor does one last thing for Cassandra, taking her back to the party seen earlier, to see herself when she was still beautiful. "Chip" approaches the Cassandra of the past and tells her just that, then collapsing into the younger Cassandra's arms as she comforts "him". As Cassandra finally dies, the Doctor and Rose silently leave in the TARDIS.


Production Crew

to be added






Story Notes

  • The first story of the revived series to show an alien planet on screen.
  • While other alien planets have been shown since this episode, it is still the only time that the first episode of a series has taken place on another planet (excluding the Moon in Smith and Jones).
  • This is the first Doctor Who episode to have an accompanying Tardisode.
  • This story had the working title; The Sunshine Camp.
  • Immediately after the episode, a commentary for the episode, featuring David Tennant, Russell T. Davies and Phil Collinson, was made available on the official website for viewers to download and listen to alongside the repeat. The same thing was done for The Christmas Invasion.
  • The words 'bitch' and 'arse' are implied, although not actually said. In both cases, the character (Cassandra and Rose, respectively) is cut off in their dialogue and the words are implied by the next word in the script. Cassandra, when talking of Rose, calls her 'that little...' and then the scene cuts to Rose whose first words are 'a bit rich'. Later, Rose tells Cassandra she is 'talking out of [her]...' and Cassandra interrupts, 'Ask not'.
  • When Cassandra takes over the Doctor's body she references moving parts "hardly used", a reference to the perceived asexual nature of the Doctor.


  • New Earth - 8.0 million viewers (38.6% of the audience share)


to be added

Filming Locations

  • The exterior shots of New Earth were filmed on the Gower Peninsula.
  • The hospital scenes were filmed inside the Wales Millennium Centre which appeared in the previous series episode Boom Town. When the Doctor asks about the shop and points to where he would put it, he points to the location of the centre's own Portmeirion shop.
  • The exterior shots of the lift car as Rose descends to the basement are reused footage from Rose.

Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors

  • At the beginning of the episode Rose said "I'll never get used to this , different ground underneath my feet" implying that she has never been to a new planet when in fact she told Mickey in Boom Town The Doctor took her to a planet called Woman Wept. She's saying that she will never get used to going to different planets even though she has been to Woman Wept.
  • When Rose enters the lift at the beginning of the episode she is in the right lift, when in the basement she steps out of the left hand lift It's possible there are three lifts and the original left lift doesn't go to the basement and the basement's right lift doesn't go to the ground floor
  • Cassandra states that Rose murdered her. In fact, when Cassandra asks to be moisturized, Rose asks the Doctor to do it, but he replies "Everything has its time, and everything dies," and lets her die. So Rose actually tried to help save Cassandra. Rose does whisper it, so it's entirely possible that Cassandra either didn't hear her or didn't care and still held Rose responsible.
  • Why, after locking the Doctor in a door to be injected with diseases, does Cassandra open the same door a few seconds later to let him out?She wanted the contaminated "patients" out and forgot about the doctor for a second
  • Why does Cassandra suddenly accept death at the end, and not try to go into someone else? After such a long time fighting death, she realised there was no point anymore.
  • How could the diseased humans catch up with Rose so quickly if they can barely move properly?


See also

DVD Releases

Series 2 Volume 1: DVD Cover
  • This episode was released as a "vanilla" DVD with The Christmas Invasion
  • New Earth was also released as part of the Series 2 DVD boxset.

External Links

Template:Series 2
