Talk:The Name of the Doctor (TV story)

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My theory

I know this is speculation. But instead of being an "8.5" or the "Real 9th Doctor", I reckon John Hurt will be playing an older Eighth Doctor. In the flashbacks, there was no Eighth Doctor, in the time stream sequence at the end when they were running past, there was no Eighth Doctor.

This way, none of the regenerations get messed around and from a story perspective it can still make perfect sense, not to mention, the costuming is a mix between 8 and 9. So that's my theory, John Hurt is playing an older 8th Doctor.

We do see the Eighth Doctor, in the Second Doctor scene. Cult Of Skaro Here.|Communicate here. 23:33, May 18, 2013 (UTC)
Where? Aliyoda 11:29, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
I agree with your theory; John Hurt does look conceivably like an older Paul McGann in the few pictures I've seen. It also makes sense that John Hurt would be playing a Last Great Time War-era Doctor, since the Eleventh Doctor knew what this version of himself had done and why that version of himself was such a secret. The only thing we don't know is whether Trenzalore is meant to be in the Eleventh's future or past...or both... Milar Kayne 23:42, May 18, 2013 (UTC)

Please move this discussion to Howling:The Howling, which is once again open. Article talk pages are for discussing the editing of the article, NOT for discussing theories, plot holes, speculation or the like. (See Tardis:Discussion policy.) Thanks! Shambala108 23:48, May 18, 2013 (UTC)

Multi-Doctor Story?

We have John Hurt introduced as the Doctor and he interacts with Eleven. Do we require a certain number of minutes of multi-Doctor interaction before we consider it a multi-Doctor story? Mewiet 23:28, May 18, 2013 (UTC)

There's also the scene with the First Doctor and Clara: "A multi-Doctor story is a story featuring two or more different incarnations of the Doctor. The list includes stories with flashback but excludes stories where the Doctor regenerates and stories featuring only pictures or archive footage of another incarnations." This scene is meant to be a flashback, new to viewers, and I thought that the scene with One and Susan walking into the TARDIS was shot with body doubles, not an archival clip. Mewiet 00:38, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

Tenth Doctor

Does the Tenth Doctor appear? The article says Clara sees him in the Library, but I've re-watched the pre-credits sequence and don't see it. Does it come later in the episode? --Btolsen 23:58, May 18, 2013 (UTC)

It's very fast, but you can see a screencap someone took here. Mewiet 00:03, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
There he is! Thanks! --Btolsen 00:18, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
That version happens to look like Oswinn Oswald from Asylum of the Daleks.

Planet Name

Alright, one of my main questions is:

When did the planet change from Pellinor to Tanzalor? --Spiritcrusher77 01:38, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

I think it was always Trenzalore... Milar Kayne 02:28, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
No, remember, Dorium said that the Doctors name would be revealed 'In the fields of Pellinor, when no one can lie, the question will be ask. The First Question. Doctor, Who?' At least, I remember the words The fields of Pellinor. --Spiritcrusher77 03:15, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
I can check, but I'm pretty sure you just misheard seems to have always been stated as "Trenzalore." Milar Kayne 03:19, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
Well, see what it says. --Spiritcrusher77 03:28, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
In The Wedding of River Song (TV story), it is definitely Trenzalore. As far as I know, it isn't mentioned anywhere else. Also note that searching the TARDIS Data Core for "Pellinor" turns up nothing. It was quite certainly Trenzalore from the start. Milar Kayne 03:46, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
You're right. I listened to it again. It's Trenzaalore. Thanks. --Spiritcrusher77 03:51, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
Glad to help! :D Milar Kayne 04:00, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

The God Complex

So, in The God Complex, The Doctor sees his greatest fear behind a door, but we the viewer do not see it. Is it possible that his greatest fear is his secret? RobbieNewton1 08:15, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

Only seeing Eleven Faces

What if The Doctor knew Clara was going to jump into the Time Stream to save him and created a multiple time stream when he died. One stream of 1-11 up to The Name of the Doctor and another stream of 11-End?

It all makes sense

It all makes sense now. John Hurt is the Lost Doctor. I've heard about this rumor earlier but this makes it clear. John Hurt is the true 9th Doctor in between the 8th Doctor and Christopher Eccleston's 9th Doctor. However, they were able to incorporate this game-changing revelation. In the episode, it's stated that Hurt's Doctor didn't act in the name of the Doctor. This means that while this makes Eccleston the 10th incarnation, Tennant the 11th incarnation, and Smith the 12th incarnation, they still remain as the 9th, 10th, and 11th Doctors respectively. It's also cool how this was the meaning of the episode's title. The title didn't mean the Doctor's true name but rather the Doctor's incarnations acting in the name of the Doctor, save for Hurt's incarnation.

The was my first thought. Then I thought maybe he is a earlier version of the First Doctor. We all know that the Doctor has a very "mysterious and dark" side when he was younger, before he left Gallifrey. It is alluded to over and over during the 7th Doctor's run.--{{SUBST:Deb1701 Signature}} 13:01, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

Eighth Doctor

Is the Eighth Doctor in this episode? I've watched the scene where he supposedly appears multiple times, but I can't see him. Does anyone have a screenshot? Aliyoda 12:12, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

You can barely see him running a second before the Second Doctor. --HarveyWallbanger 12:17, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
Anyone have a screencap? --Deb1701 12:59, May 19, 2013 (UTC) to me 12:58, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
The BBC likes to have to deal with the least amount of footage involving the Eighth Doctor as possible; because of how the TV movie was produced and published, they have to deal with 20th Century Fox and Universal Studios for use of footage. That'd just be a giant hassle, so they've not worried themselves doing it. The Eighth we see is that scene is a double, and 'new footage,' hence why you don't see his face and makes him hard to identify.--Scieran 13:07, May 19, 2013 (UTC)

When the Doctor is looking at his "body" - light column - and hears the voices, these are played too:

"They're still in the nursery compared to us!" - Sixth Doctor, 'The Trial of a Time Lord'

"The daisiest daisy..." The Third Doctor, 'The Time Monster'

"Some corners of the universe have bred the most terrible things..." Second Doctor, 'Tomb of the Cybermen'

"Do I have the right?" The Fourth Doctor, 'Genesis of the Daleks'