Template talk:Doctors

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Revision as of 19:38, 19 May 2013 by Bold Clone (talk | contribs)

Can someone add the John Hurt version to the template?

Stick John Hurt's Unknown Doctor in the bottom row. We don't know what regeneration he is, or even if he's a full doctor (or an in-between incarnation), but it was confirmed onscreen he was A doctor. to me 20:53, May 18, 2013 (UTC)

Actually, it's only confirmed by the credits that he's the Doctor. The actual narrative makes very clear that he's not the Doctor. Removing from template.
czechout<staff />    16:34: Sun 19 May 2013
Trust Moffat to make this such an enigma -he's the Doctor, but he's not A DOCTOR. 11 did clearly state they were definitely the same person ("He's me, there's only me here, that's the point...") , but not worthy of the title 'Doctor' ("I said he was me, I never said he was the Doctor... he's the one who broke the promise"), but it depends what we decide the box is counting - is it the Time Lord himself, or just the versions who 'Kept the promise' of the Doctor? If we're going to be pedantic, then the Valeyard, Dream Lord and the Watcher aren't really the Doctor either - the Watcher was a projection, the Dream Lord a psychic state of consciousness and The Valeyard an in-betweener. Hurt's "Doctor" was at least confirmed by himself to be the same Time Lord, just unworthy of being considered the Doctor. to me 17:33, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
Agreed. The template is supposed to list the different forms of the person known as "the Doctor". Hurt is still a form of the same person, even if he isn't called "the Doctor". 11 himself says: "He's me, there's only me here, that's the point..." Hurt IS the same being named "the Doctor", but for some reason, he has lost the right to use the name "Doctor". Thus he belongs on the template because 11 specifically says "He's me." --Bold Clone 19:38, May 19, 2013 (UTC)