26th century

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The (first) Earth Empire forms, out of an Earth-centered alliance of planets. It will last until the late 30th century. Earth's single, planet-wide government is called Earthgov. (BFBS:Missing Adventures:Home)

Tensions exist between the Earth Empire and the Empire of the Draconians and even more so with the Daleks. (DW: Frontier in Space)

Earth's Moon is being used as a penal colony. (BFBS:Missing Adventures:Home)

Thanks to genetic engineering, Humans no longer have wisdom teeth. (BNA:Dry Pilgrimage)

Major Events

  • Unknown (mid-century)- By mid-century (probably well before), much of what was once the southern United States has sunk under the "Mississippi Sea"--probably a much-expanded Caribbean Sea. (BFBS: Home)
  • Unknown (mid-century)- Space travel is relatively commonplace and affordable, though trips can be lengthy. It is common practice to sedate passengers for the longer trips. (BFBS: Biology Lesson on Mal Oreille)
  • Unknown (late century)- Space travel appears to be significantly faster by the end of the century; the approximately 27,000 light-year trip between Earth, near the edge of the galaxy, and Dellah, near its core, takes about eleven months. (BNA: Oh No It Isn't!)

Notable individuals


25th century Timeline 27th century