Battle of the Game Station

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The Battle of Satellite Five was one of the many major battles between Humans and Daleks, and part of the aftermath of the Last Great Time War. It took place on the Game Station.



The Battle of Satellite Five was started because the Dalek Emperor and his flagship survived the destruction of the Dalek Empire in the main part of the Last Great Time War, and fell through time to the year 199,909 and started the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire as a cover for his plans, using the Jagrafess and the Editor as puppet leaders in his plans. He rebuilt the Dalek race from Human cells taken using "disintegration" beams to create an army of nearly half a million Daleks, and built an extra two hundred flying saucers to rebuild the imperial fleet at the edge of the Sol system. (DW: The Long Game, Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways)



In the year 200,100, when the Dalek plan was nearing completion, the Daleks were discovered by the Doctor, who they needed for part of their plan. They took Rose Tyler and threatened to kill her unless the Doctor let Earth fall to the Daleks, however the Doctor refused, and with Jack Harkness travelled to the Emperor's flagship in the Doctor's TARDIS as the fleet advanced upon Earth. (DW: Bad Wolf)

The Battle

After realising that the Dalek Emperor was still in existance and that the new army of Kaled mutants were half-Human and forced to worship the Emperor, the Doctor, Rose and Jack travelled back to the Game Station and protected the top five levels with a force field provided by the tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator, and sent Jack down to the lower levels to recruit Humans to fight against the oncomng army. However, thanks to Rodrick, a Human, most of the people refused, believing that the Daleks were mere myth.

The Doctor built a Delta Wave to disrupt the Daleks' brain patterns and sent Rose back to 2006, as the recruited Humans shot bastic bullets into the casings of the Daleks which had arrived at the Game Station, however only managing to kill one before all but Jack were exterminated. The Dalek fleet anvanced upon Earth, using their weapons to melt the continents into new forms.

It is not known whether the Emperor was trying to recreate the planet Skaro on Earth, or just killing all the Humans on the planet.

Eventually all the Humans on the Station were exterminated, including Jack. However, Rose returned from the 21st century as the omnipotent Bad Wolf, turned the Daleks and their fleet into atoms floating in space, and ressurected Jack. (DW: The Parting of the Ways)


The Doctor had to take the Time Vortex energy which had made Rose into the Bad Wolf, causing him to regenerate into his tenth incarnation. (DW: The Parting of the Ways, Children in Need Special)

Humanity was left to recover after the previous 191 years fgfhf of suppression by the Daleks, helped by Jack Harkness. (DW: The Parting of the Ways)