Error 404 (episode)

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Error 404 was the sixth special season pass storyline in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon.


The Doctor drags Jamie to visit this place without realizing a mayor historical event is about to happen


The Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon have landed at an expo. The Doctor says he loves the pristine smell of new science in the morning. Jamie says that is is a shame Zoe will be missing it and that she will be angry. The Doctor realizes he has made a terrible mistake. Jamie asks what he is on about, and the Doctor tells him that he was supposed to drop bring Zoe and drop Jamie off where she is now. Jamie berates the Doctor for confusing Zoe and him. The Doctor corrects him that he confused Jamie with Zoe. Jamie asks if they should fetch her and where he dropped her off, to which the Doctor replies that he dropped her off at a quaint Scottish manor, but that they should take a look around first.

Jamie asks the Doctor what kind of place they are at, since it is so polished and posh. The Doctor says they are at a technological exposition, a place to showcase the future. Jamie asks if the TARDIS doesn’t already do that. The Doctor says that there are certain points in time where you have to watch how and not what. Jamie asks what he is now on about. The Doctor says that he can almost remember, saying this is a special one and that mankind is… but he is interrupted as the main man of the event speaks. Mark Biolage says that today is a day that will be recorded in mankind's history, and humanity has taken many steps out of the caves of their ancestors, with quantum computing, the biggest step so far, unveiling the Biola- but he is interrupted by a loud teleportation sound.

A Cybercontroller orders people to surrender and follow orders. The Doctor is horrified at the sight of Cybermen, but notes that something about it feels awfully familiar to him. Jamie says they need to do something. Another Cyberman orders them to hand over the chip. The Doctor agrees with Jamie, saying that they have to run. Jamie asks what they’re going to do about the metal beasties. The Doctor tells him to run first, plan later. The Cyberman reports the organic lifeforms are escaping. The Cybercontroller orders to ignore them as obtaining the chip is more important. The Cyberman says that the chip is encased by an energy shield.

Jamie asks the Doctor to stop for a moment, but the Doctor tells him there is no time, they need to get back to the TARDIS. Jamie asks him if they’re just going to leave with their tails between their legs, but the Doctor tells him that he doesn’t understand, saying that something has to happen and now he remembers why the day was so special, as it was not about the chip but about the Cybermen. Jamie asks if they’re just going to leave and allow the silver beasties to get the quantum thingie. The Doctor says that they cannot do anything about it… but then asks if he heard Jamie say "quantum". Jamie tells him that the man in the suit mentioned quantum computing. The Doctor gets worried and say that they have to intercede now as the Cybermen should not get a quantum chip this early. Jamie asks him what the plan is.

The Cybercontroller orders to increase energy output and align crystal lenses. The Cyberman obeys, saying the force field integrity is dropping. The Doctor tells Jamie they should try to be quiet about it as they don’t want the Cybermen aiming at them. Jamie asks what he wants him to do, and the Doctor tells him to get as many golden chips from the display as he can, while he himself tries to find the host, needing to talk to him. The Cybercontroller orders to increase energy to maximum capacity. The Doctor tells Jamie to hurry and be silent, saying they need the element of surprise if they want to win. Jamie understands.

Mark Biolage says he cannot believe that his big unveiling is getting ruined by these things. The Doctor gets his attention and Mark asks him who he is. The Doctor presents himself and says he wants to help out. Mark asks him if he can stop them, to which the Doctor says he has his best man on the job and says he wants to know something else. Mark says that if the Doctor can get those things away from his chip, he’ll tell him anything. The Doctor asks how they can damage the chip to lower its output to avoid the Cybermen getting the full version. Mark is shocked that he dares talk about sabotage, but the Cybercontroller interrupts, having located the enemies, ordering fire.

Jamie recites to himself what the Doctor said, "grab all the golden things on that table and melt them.", wondering where he can melt it. He ponders that he could dig a hole and make a fire. He quickly realizes he would need a shovel and wood, so that’s a no. He ponders if he should just hit one of the silver beasties from behind, but stops himself as that is not what the Doctor told him, telling himself he just needs to get the golden thingies and not let the Doctor down. A Cyberman utters to locate the enemies. Jamie ponders that maybe he can take one down.

Mark asks the Doctor if his best man by any chance is the guy attacking them from behind. The Doctor, frustrated, asks out in thin air why Jamie is so impulsive, then tells Mark that he is going to distract them and asks Mark to go help Jamie. Mark asks with what, and the Doctor tells him that he needs to melt the devices Jamie has and put them in the ventilation system. Mark says that that sounds mad, but the Doctor tells him that he deals in madness, telling Mark to go help while the Doctor gets their attention. The Doctor shouts to the Cybermen to stop shooting, saying he can help open the display. The Cybercontroller analyzes voice records and confirms his identity as the Doctor. The Doctor replies that he is the one and only, asking if they can't solve this peacefully.

The Doctor tells the Cybercontroller that they won't be able to pierce the defensive glass with their energy weapons. The Cybercontroller says that Cyberman technology is unmatched. The Doctor retorts that if that was the case they would not be here, saying that they need the chip because without constant upgrades, they would turn obsolete. The Cybercontroller simply says that those words are rallying cries of its people. The Doctor says that it can stop there and go back and be human again, there's still time. The Doctor continues, saying to think of it as a golden opportunity for its people and to strike gold and be as good as gold, and have a golden heart. Jamie ponders that the Doctor is trying to tell him something.

The Cybercontroller says it does not know why the Doctor is trying to appeal to its emotions, to which the Doctor says that he knows the human is still in there and he is pleading for reconsideration. The Cybercontroller says that his words are weak much like his body, which they will break. The Doctor says that he is so sorry it has gotten to this point, but tells it to have it their way, shouting for Jamie to do it. The Cybercontroller asks what the Doctor's plan is, but the Doctor is stumbling on his words. Then a loud noise is heard. Jamie apologizes for the delay, saying the blasted thing did not want to work. The Cybercontroller reports contaminant detected, and to activate filter, but is too late.

Jamie asks if all that was needed was a little gold for them to jam up. The Doctor says that they actually knew that from before but that he probably didn’t remember. Jamie says that he remembers, because the Doctor made him go look for the golden thingies. Mark thanks them for saving his… then asks where it is. A surviving Cyberman engages retreat protocols. Jamie says that he is escaping with the quamtum thing, but the Doctor tells Jamie to let him, saying he already sabotaged the chip, and they will upgrade, but not as much as they could have. He says that time remains as it should be but that some might not like his intervention. He then tells Jamie they better go.

Back in the TARDIS, Jamie asks the Doctor if that was it, they're letting Cybermen go now. The Doctor tells Jamie that there are things in this universe stronger than them, saying that time has fixed points like the seams of clothing, and to pull one out means it will all fall apart. Jamie asks how many people the Cybermen will kill, to which the Doctor say millions and even billions, but that they’re part of the tapestry of time, saying that time is unwavering and that much like Jamie can't move the moon, he cannot move time. Jamie asks him how he can live, knowing all this, to which the Doctor replies that he helps where he can and when he can't he’ll try to think about other things. Jamie asks what other things, to which the Doctor says that he has considered getting a sweater with many question marks on it.



October Lineup Preview
Lost in Time - Version 2.1.3
  • The storyline's title and synopsis weren’t given in-game. However, the title was given in a "October Lineup Preview" dropped in the Settings Inbox on 2 October 2024, while the App Store featured both the title and a synopsis in update Version 2.1.3 on 15 October 2024.
  • In the synopsis, the word "major" is misspelled as "mayor".


To be added