Eighth Doctor

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Birth Cry

The Eighth Doctor's life began when the Seventh Doctor regenerated after being caught in the crossfire of a shootout between rival Chinese-American youth gangs in 1999 San Francisco's Chinatown and dying on the operating table while being attended by Dr. Grace Holloway, who was unaware of, and thus unfamiliar with, the Doctor's alien physiology. Almost immediately, he was caught up in yet another battle with his arch-enemy the Master, whose essence had survived his execution on Skaro and entered the body of a human ambulance driver. Knowing this human body would not last, the Master plotted to use the Eye of Harmony to steal the Doctor's remaining lives.

The Doctor's defeat of the Master involved a 'Temporal Orbit', travelling back into his own timestream to undo events in which he had been involved (DW: Doctor Who: The TV Movie). This paradox was the Eighth Doctor's 'birth cry' (EDA:Unnatural History), heralding a life of considerable complexity. Those attempting to view the Eighth Doctor's time-stream would find it not a neat line (EDA:The Gallifrey Chronicles) but rather a chaos of paradoxes (EDA:Interference, BFA:Storm Warning) and parallel time lines (BFA: Zagreus, EDA:Time Zero).

Consequently, although several periods of the Eighth Doctor's life are well documented, there remains no definitive account of how these eras relate to each other.

The remainder of this biography will detail the recorded phases of this incarnation's adventures. The order in which they occur and intersect however can never be more than speculation

Life, Death and Amnesia

This section considers the account of the Eighth Doctor's doings offered by the EDAs, The Dying Days and the Radio Times comic strips. The opening of The Eight Doctors suggests this period occurs first, but it contains within it several 'gaps' in which the other accounts might be considered to have occured.

Leaving San Francisco, the Doctor found himself still suffering post-regenerative amnesia. He found himself travelling to different past points in his own timeline, encountering his previous incarnations and one point securing the release of his old teacher Borusa from the Tomb of Rassilon. At the end of this journey, he acquired his newest companion, Sam Jones, a young woman from the same Shoreditch neighborhood where the Doctor stayed in I.M. Foreman's junkyard with his granddaughter Susan (EDA:The Eight Doctors).

The Doctor leaves Sam Jones at a Greenpeace rally and goes adventuring alone for three years (EDA: Vampire Science). This extended side trip saw him reunite with Bernice Summerfield to save Britain from the Ice Warriors (NA:The Dying Days) and travel with Stacey Townsend and Ssard (EDA:Placebo Effect).

Other documented adventures of the Eighth Doctor might be speculatively considered to have occured before his reunion with Sam.

Resuming his travels with Sam, the Doctor came to encounter evidence of the Time Lords future war with the (unnamed) Enemy in the East Indies ReVit Zone late in the 21st century where an auction was taking place. (EDA: Alien Bodies)

At this auction he met several players who came to play roles both in the Doctor's own timeline and the Time Lords - The Enemy future war timeline. They included: the Faction Paradox and the Celestis. This is one of the first (but not the last) paradoxical events in the Doctor's eighth incarnation, as he finds out about the war "too early" as Homunculette declared. The Doctor saw more than a glimpse of his own future with the focus of the auction being The Relic; his own corpse. (EDA: Alien Bodies)

The Doctor's companion Sam Jones also experienced a revelation about herself (EDA: Alien Bodies) though these revelations had a far greater impact on him personally when he detected a dimensional scar in San Francisco 2002. Sam Jones fell into the scar and her history and personality changed, back to its original state, before her timeline had gotten altered. The Doctor placed his TARDIS in the dimensional scar to contain the energies and sought out this changed (or rather, restored) Sam Jones. (EDA: Unnatural History)

The Doctor acquired another companion; Fitz Kreiner (EDA: The Taint) and then with the departure of Sam Jones gained another companion; Compassion (EDA: Interference: Book Two (The Hour of the Geek)). Both Sam Jones and Fitz played pivotal roles in the Doctor's battles with various enemies, including the Faction Paradox, it was this such battle which would change both companions and the Doctor. (EDA: Interference: Book Two (The Hour of the Geek)).

The conclusion of Interference offers another 'gap' in which the Doctor is seen travelling without his current companions before rejoining them. Adventures documented elsewhere might be thought to have occured here.

Following this battle another important event changed the Doctor's view of Gallifrey and changed the lives of his companions in ways that would be felt for a long time. (EDA: The Shadows of Avalon)

Many of these changes and battles collimated in a destruction of Gallifrey and its system. (EDA:The Ancestor Cell) The shock and pain of launching this attack prompted his friend / companion Compassion to deliver him to Earth with his own TARDIS to recover for 100 years.

Eventually the Doctor learned that just prior to the destruction of Gallifrey, the sum total of the Matrix was placed within his mind, providing a means to rebuild Gallifrey and restore the Time Lords. The Doctor set out to do just this with the assistance of the Time Lord Marnal (EDA:The Gallifrey Chronicles).

Presumably he succeeded and it was this new Gallifrey that was destroyed in the Last Great Time War. This being the case, any of his other documented adventures could be considered to have occured after this point.

Izzy and Destrii

This section considers the account of the Eighth Doctor's doings offered by the DWM comic strips.
Detail to be added

Travels with Charley

This section considers the account of the Eighth Doctor's doings offered by the BFA audios originally produced for CD.

The Doctor returned to Earth (at an indeterminate point in the future) and gained two companions brother and sister Gemma Griffin and Samson Griffin, they traveled with him for a time until they encountered a Nekkistani time vessel in the vortex. Whilst aboard Gemma was captured by Davros and forced to do his bidding; aboard the TARDIS she (under Davros's instruction) altered the Doctor's memories and forces him to take Davros to Earth (BFA: Terror Firma).

The Doctor is left within the vortex (without prior memory of those events with Samson and Gemma), he narrowly avoided contact with a Vortisore and materialises his TARDIS within the balast tanks of the R-101. On board he met Charley Pollard. (BFA: Storm Warning)

Saving Charley had unforseen circumstances and the Doctor and Charley were persued by the Time Lords until being captured by the CIA. (BFA: Embrace the Darkness, The Time of the Daleks, Neverland)

It was revealed to the Doctor that Charley's surviving the destruction of the R-101 has caused a crack in the Web of Time, but that she is also (because of this) the portal into the world of Anti-Time. The Doctor, along with Lady President Romana travel to a universe of anti-time. (BFA: Neverland)

Detail to be added

Travels with Lucie

This section considers the account of the Eighth Doctor's doings offered by the BFA audios originally produced for BBC7 broadcast.
Detail to be added

Behind the Scenes

By the time the Eighth Doctor arrived, DWM had already 'de-linked' its continuity from that of the novels back in Ground Zero. Big Finish began by associating themselves with the books, for example referencing Sam Jones (BFA: Minuet in Hell) but eventually decided to divorce themselves, even going so far as to retroactively insert a new companion called Samson to whom the 'Sam' reference might now be thought to refer (BFA: Terror Firma), literally depicting Sam being edited out of history (ST: Repercussions...) and strongly implying that the DWM and EDA adventures take place in different timelines (BFA: Zagreus).

Despite this intent, it remains entirely possible for the different accounts of the Eighth Doctor's life to be considered as one narrative. Either by 'slotting in' the audio and comic adventures into the gaps noted in the novels' account, or by considering them to occur after EDA: The Gallifrey Chronicles and its implied reconstruction of Gallifrey.


The Eighth Doctor was more romantic than his predecessors, and much more open in his admiration for humans. While earlier Doctors, especially the First and Seventh, would be visibly exasperated by human failings and quirks, this Doctor was more likely to be quietly amused. This may be due to his being half-human on his mother's side, a secret the previous Doctors never revealed.

Psychological profile


The Eighth Doctor behaves in a more human manner than his predecessors, perhaps tying in to the revelation that he is half-human; this is most clearly seen in his willingness to entertain romantic notions with Grace Holloway, albeit in an innocent, almost childlike manner. Like the Fifth Doctor, he exhibits an endearing vulnerability, but this is contrasted by a sense of urgency and decisiveness. He also demonstrates a flippant sense of humour reminiscent of, though not identical to, the Second and Fourth Doctors. The Eighth Doctor was largely an open pallet early in his life; however as he began to experience life and the universe for himself he soon developed more into a full and developed person.

The Doctor became much down and angrier person with the loss of his TARDIS and home in the dimensional barrier between Earth and Avalon, and his then reliance on Compassion as a means of travel.

Following his exile on Earth and particularly the loss of his heart he became a much darker, though passionate person. (EDA: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street, History 101) Though even the return of his second heart still left a changed Doctor. (EDA: Camera Obscura)

Habits and Quirks

The Eighth Doctor had a penchant for late 19th Century style clothing, beginning with a Wild West costume he stole from a hospital worker's locker shortly after his regeneration.

The Eighth Doctor also had a tendency to repeat someone's name when he was trying to make a point (or when he got excited); "Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam...".

Mysteries and discrepancies

Eight Doctor said that his mother is human, and that he is half-human.

There is some suggestions that this could be from post-regenerative trauma. Also there is some contention as to whether this 'half human' status applies to solely this regeneration or others.

Key Life Events

  • The loss of Sam Jones which sparks the Doctor to search for her (EDA: Longest Day), leading him to his incarceration. (EDA: Seeing I)
  • At an unknown point and for an unknown cause, possibly during or after the War, the Doctor regenerates.