
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

Goblins were creatures in Earth myth. (DW: Midnight, The Pandorica Opens, A Good Man Goes to War).

The Doctor knew of a fairy tale about the Pandorica (DW: Flesh and Stone), later explaining to Amy Pond that, according to legend, the Pandorica was the prison of a warrior or goblin who dropped out of the sky and tore your world apart until a good wizard tricked it and locked it up. (DW: The Pandorica Opens)

In his speech to the Clerics in which he told them that the Doctor was a living breathing man, Colonel Manton said that the Doctor was not, among other things, a Goblin. (DW: A Good Man Goes to War)

A species may exist called Goblin Men, (DW: Midnight) from Christina Rossetti's poem "Goblin Market"; she may have encountered a goblin-like aliens that caused her to write the poem. Dee Dee Blasco quotes the poem:

"We must not look at goblin men,

We must not buy their fruits:

Who knows upon what soil they fed

Their hungry, thirst roots?"

