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Church on Ruby Road goblin page[[edit source]]

I feel like the goblins seen in The Church on Ruby Road (TV story) should get their own primary page because they're a major Doctor Who monster connected to an ongoing story arc of interest to readers, and their lore is more complicated than just "Goblins like you see in stories have always been real". Similar mythological topics like Zeus or Cyclops work fine in describing a bunch of different-but-similar interpretations of their topics because all of their interpretations are single-story inventions which can be described in a couple paragraphs tops; Davies' goblins are such distinct creations that they feel restricted by not having their own page. Coverage of the television goblins is muddled by being mixed with unrelated stories, and coverage of goblins in general is muddled by the television goblins having so much important lore that the page seems to suggest now that pre-2023 appearances of goblins have something to do with the Toymaker.

The way this page is now, the history section goes from the origins of the Church goblins to the events of It's Behind You! (comic story) to the activities of the Church goblins. Ideally, the Goblin which enters this universe via Pantomime magic would have the same weight as the different, discrete Goblins which enter via the Toymaker's magic.

We already have a redlink to Goblin King's court, and that would certainly be an in-universe neutral way of referring to the Church goblins, but having that as the main page for this type of Goblin doesn't really future-proof for coverage of a future story which features the same type of goblins unaffiliated with the Goblin King. Coverage of Goblin-related merchandise would also be better served by a page about the Goblins themselves. Would Goblin (The Church on Ruby Road) work? TheChampionOfTime 21:48, 27 March 2024 (UTC)

This is very true. Goblin (The Church on Ruby Road) seems like a good idea. WarDocFan12 22:03, 27 March 2024 (UTC)
Goblin (The Church on Ruby Road) seems at best like a page on a different species, and at worst like a page about a specific goblin character (e.g. Goblin (It's Behind You!)). While I agree a distinct page would be warranted, I would suggest "Goblins (The Church on Ruby Road)", which better reflects that they are "a specific group of goblins" as opposed to "an unrelated species also called 'goblin' that we need to disambiguate from the mythological kind" or "a specific, individual Goblin". Something like Goblins of the Goblin Ship would also be acceptable, I suppose, if we want an undabbed form.
(Also, them "entering the universe" is a daft interpolation of the novelisation, but I digress.) --Scrooge MacDuck 23:02, 27 March 2024 (UTC)
Great, I was hoping for your approval Scrooge. Goblins (The Church on Ruby Road) it is. Will do. TheChampionOfTime 00:19, 28 March 2024 (UTC)
Alternately... wouldn’t the TCoRR Goblins be the primary topic wuth four appearances? Might Goblin (mythology) perhaps be better for the non-TCoRar versions? 01:37, 28 March 2024 (UTC)
But they're real creatures in Ruby Road, implied to exist because of the mythology, and real creatures in some of those other stories. I think Scrooge's solution, which would never have occurred to me, is best, personally.
× SOTO (//) 04:17, 28 March 2024 (UTC)