Judith Winters

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During the Shoreditch Incident, the Black Dalek of the Renegade Dalek faction slaved a school-aged girl, Judith Winters to a Dalek battle computer in order to used her mind and imagination as a tool to develop new stratagems against the rival Dalek faction, the Imperials. She operated the Renegades' time controller unit and had a mental link to the Black Dalek. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Though she seemed somewhat young to go there, being aged 11-12, she possibly attended Coal Hill School.

Enhanced by them, she could also shoot lightning-like bursts of force from her hands, with which she killed the traitorous (both to the British Army and to the Imperials) Mike Smith. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks)

When the Black Dalek destroyed himself, she never recovered mentally from her experiences, and in 1988, when Ace visited her, she still remained a broken woman, living in a mental institution. (DWM: In the Community)

Behind the Scenes

Judith Winters never had her name revealed on-screen, the credits for Remembrance of the Daleks only crediting her as "the Girl".