Ninth Doctor

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The Ninth Doctor was the ninth incarnation of the Doctor. He gave an impression of being manic and energetic. (DW: Rose)


It is not specifically known how the Doctor regenerated. He looks in a mirror and comments on his new face, which suggests that he has not had a chance to look in a mirror since his regeneration. The most commonly accepted explanation for the existence of the Ninth Doctor is that the Eighth Doctor was killed in the Time War.
File:Ninth Doctor.jpg
The Doctor shortly after first meeting Rose Tyler.

After the conclusion of the Time War, of which the Doctor was the sole survivor, his ninth incarnation travelled to Earth, where he rescued the Human girl Rose Tyler from several Autons and encountered the Nestene Consciousness that was controlling them. Although the Doctor tried to persuade the Consciousness to leave Earth, it refused and attempted to take him prisoner. With Rose's help, however, the Ninth Doctor defeated the Nestene Consciousness and thwarted its plans of world domination. Appreciative of Rose's assistance, the Doctor subsequently invited her to travel with him on his journeys through space and time inside his TARDIS. Rose accepted the position and consequently became his companion. (DW: Rose)

He has met three different companions during his lifespan - most notably Rose Tyler, a shop assistant from early 21st-century Earth. He also met Adam Mitchell following his experience with the 'last' Dalek (DW: Dalek). The Doctor ditched Adam after the events on Satellite Five, during which time Adam almost changed history (DW: The Long Game). The Doctor's third assistant was ex-Time Agent and conman Captain Jack Harkness, whom the Doctor and Rose met on a visit to London during the World War II Blitz (DW: The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances). Captain Jack was killed by the Daleks but brought back to life by the Bad Wolf entity (DW: The Parting of the Ways).

The Doctor was dying of cellular degeneration caused by absorbing the energies of the Time Vortex from Rose, who had absorbed them from the TARDIS (DW: The Parting of the Ways).



In stark contrast to the extravagant dress of most of his predecessors, the Doctor wore a plain leather jacket (mistaken in World War II for that of a German U-boat commander; DW: The Empty Child), red, green or black jumper (which Charles Dickens thought made him look like a navvy; DW: The Unquiet Dead) and dark trousers. Unlike previous Doctors, the Ninth Doctor wore his hair close cropped.

Psychological profile


This incarnation was a study in contrasts. On the one hand, he shared many characteristics with his predecessors. One moment he was full of manic energy and a sharp, offbeat wit; the next he was removed and reserved, keenly aware of the divide between himself and the humans he encountered. But the Time War of which the Doctor was the sole survivor had clearly affected him deeply indeed. This was a sadder and angrier Doctor; the weight of his having seemingly destroyed both the Time Lords and the Daleks preyed upon him greatly. But consequently, this was also a Doctor who harboured a new appreciation for the wonders of the universe and who, more keenly than ever, burned with a desire to keep the universe safe from harm.

While his previous incarnations were rarely heard uttering minor curse words like "hell" and "damn", the Ninth Doctor tended to use these phrases more freely.

Habits and Quirks

He also spoke with a Northern accent, and was critical of his own large ears. (DW: Rose).

He nicknames Mickey Smith "Mickey the idiot" or simply "Ricky" and was also fond of describing situations (particularly dangerous ones) as "Fantastic!".

This Doctor called humans "stupid apes" and seemed very alien. He carried an air of mystery around him, and sometimes argued with Rose. However, he "does not do domestic", as he put it, which could lead to some tension in his interactions with Jackie Tyler. He also has been revealed to have an obsession with bananas (DW: The Doctor Dances).

Mysteries and Discrepancies

  • We do not know if the Doctor had really just regenerated when he met Rose. (DW: Rose)

Undocumented adventures

  • The Time War and the Doctor's role in it remain unclear.
If the Doctor had visited these points in history before he met Rose, why does he react to his reflection in a mirror in her flat in a way which indicates he has recently regenerated? If these visits were after Rose joined him, where was she when these images were collected? (Then again, why would she need to be in them?) Perhaps the Doctor made these trips after initially leaving Mickey and Rose, following their Auton adventure in 2005, only to return just seconds later to invite Rose aboard? Or maybe he wandered a bit after his second encounter with Rose, having retrieved the Auton arm from her council flat? It's also possible that, having seen the images, Rose knew to stay out of them when the time came.
  • Captain Jack states that just prior to arriving at the Gamestation, the Doctor, Rose and himself had just escaped from an adventure in Kyoto, Japan. (DW: Bad Wolf)

Other information

  • Although the exact lifetime length of each of the Doctor's incarnations is ambiguous (an exception being the first incarnation, who is known to have lived for a little less than 450 years (DW: The Tomb of the Cybermen)), it can be surmised that the ninth incarnation of the Doctor may well be the Doctor's shortest-lived incarnation to date. He appears to be newly regenerated when he first meets Rose Tyler (or at least new enough in his body that he hasn't had a chance to examine his appearance closely) (DW: Rose), and it is implied that Rose's travels with him take place over the course of less than a year as she is still referred to as being 19 years old when the Doctor believes her to have been killed on Satellite 5 (DW: Bad Wolf), only hours before his regeneration occurs. This assumes that in the continuity of the TV series the Eighth Doctor did indeed live on for more than a century as established in spin-off fiction and didn't go straight into the Last Great Time War and regenerate soon after the events of Doctor Who: The TV Movie.

Key Life Events

  • The Doctor regenerates from causes unknown.
  • Rose Tyler and the Doctor meet and she accepts joining him in his travels (DW: Rose)
  • The Doctor meets the supposed last surviving Dalek. (DW: Dalek)


Although not considered companions, this incarnation of the Doctor also had recurring encounters with Jackie Tyler and Mickey Smith during his lifetime, sharing at least one adventure with the latter. (DW: Boom Town)

Behind the scenes

In The Empty Child the Doctor speaks of 900 years of phone box travelling. It could indicate that he is 900 years old, he has travelled in his TARDIS for 900 years, or that his TARDIS has been shaped like a phone box for 900 years. He may have taken to referring to his age in Earth years since Gallifrey doesn't exist anymore. He may also have stopped counting every year and only counting the ones he likes. This, however, is somewhat contradicted by the Tenth Doctor stating an exact age of 903 in Voyage of the Damned.

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