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Timeline for 1965
20th century | 1960s

1959 • 1960 • 1961 • 1962 • 1963 • 1964 • 1966 • 1967 • 1968 • 1969 • 1970 • 1971

At some point in 1965, the British government was contacted by an alien race dubbed the 456. They demanded a dozen children in exchange for an anti-virus to an influenza outbreak that would otherwise killed millions. Jack Harkness of the Torchwood Institute was ordered to deliver a busload of children from an orphanage in Scotland. One child, Clem McDonald, escaped and ended up on the run, destined to spend the next forty-five years in asylums. With the children delivered, the anti-virus was provided and the flu outbreak was quelled. (TV: Children of Earth: Day One, Children of Earth: Day Four)


Unknown dates

Alternative timeline

  • In an alternative timeline in which Nazi Germany won World War II as a result of the Seventh Doctor and Ace accidentally leaving laser technology in Colditz Castle in October 1944, Elizabeth Klein travelled back in time to Colditz during that incident using the Doctor's TARDIS. She was assisted in making the TARDIS operational by a fellow scientist named Johann Schmidt, who was in actuality an alternative version of the Eighth Doctor. Schmidt fabricated a "flight log" for the TARDIS to allow Klein to pilot the ship back to any of its recent destinations and manipulated her into travelling to 1944 on the pretext of retrieving the Seventh Doctor so that he could teach her to pilot the TARDIS. Her lover Major Jonas Faber saw through Schmidt's trickery but was too late as Klein had already decided to disobey his orders and make the trip into the past. She left her lover behind, promising to make him Führer by her efforts. Unfortunately for Klein, her arrival in October 1944 alerted the Seventh Doctor to the impending alteration of history and he and Ace were able to prevent it. Klein was stranded in the proper timeline. Believing her mistake had destroyed the correct version of history, she vowed to get the TARDIS back and restore her world. (AUDIO: Colditz, AUDIO: Klein's Story)