Chimera (The Legacy of Torchwood One!)

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This entry is about the super-soldier. For the space station, see Space Station Chimera.

The Chimera were genetically engineered humans spliced with alien DNA created by Torchwood One in the early 21st century.


The Chimera was a human spliced with alien DNA that induced a primal fear in those who encountered it. Its basic form looked like a human with incredibly damaged, grey skin, however it only appears to operate in this guise when no one is watching. It has been known to take on the shape of a black goblin with red eyes (to Jack Harkness), a zombie clown (to Gwen Cooper), a bearded man in a trench-coat (to Jack Harkness), a deceased piano teacher (to Owen Harper) and an approximation of a Cyberman (to Ianto Jones).

The DNA also gave the ability to move incredibly quickly, utilise increased strength and jump great distances without bodily harm. It also has the ability to track someone using only the scent of their fear. (TWM: The Legacy of Torchwood One!)


Circa early 2006, the Bio-Medical Research Division of Torchwood One discovered alien DNA that would induce a primal fear in those exposed to it. The Institute began kidnapping dead-beats and drug addicts off the streets and trying to splice their DNA with the alien's with the aim of creating a super-soldier for the British Special Forces - "Bringing Terror to the Terrorists."

The experiment failed multiple times, each time causing the death of the test subject. Eventually, one test subject was a success. However, it soon became uncontrollable and tried to kill its creator, Rupert Howarth.

The creature escaped but kept trying to kill Rupert, leading him to fake his own death to protect his family and friends. Before he left however, he left a program running on his computer that would find the formula to a solution that would suppress the Chimera's alien DNA. The solution was stored on the Torchwood mainframe. (TWM: The Legacy of Torchwood One!)

Following the fall of Torchwood One in mid-2007 (DW: Doomsday), Torchwood Three's Organic computer salvaged as much as it could from the Torchwood Mainframe. (WC: Torchwood External Hub Interface - Introduction) Luckily the formula created by Rupert's computer was salvaged. (TWM: The Legacy of Torchwood One!)

In mid-2008, the presence of the formula led Rupert to Cardiff, causing the Chimera to follow. After burning down the warehouse that Rupert had been sleeping in, it followed him to The Hub where Rupert, with the help of Torchwood Three's staff, managed to create the solution.

Rupert managed to inject the Chimera, but not before the it broke his neck. (TWM: The Legacy of Torchwood One!)