The Heralds of Destruction was the sole story of the Doctor Who: The Third Doctor comic book mini-series, published in 2016.
When something enormous crashes into Bedfordshire, the Doctor, Jo Grant, and the forces of UNIT under Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart mobilise immediately – and find themselves in the middle of a pitched battle against a terrifying invader... But the shocking face that awaits their return to base may tip the whole world off its axis!
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- The Master disguises himself as General Mayhew and as the Brigadier.
- At the end of the first issue, the Second Doctor appears to arrive to UNIT HQ in a cliffhanger. In the following issues, however, it is revealed to actually be Ramón Salamander in disguise.
- The Master employs Martian kendo as a rival to the Third Doctor's Venusian aikido in mental combat only to be countered as the Doctor switches to Mercurian kung fu.
- Salamander turns Electronicon Ltd. into his own time vessel.
- The Master uses the chameleon factor of his mask to disguise the helicopter he and the UNIT personnel are flying in 1868.
- The Master has a secret passage that leads to the Houses of Parliament.
Upon arriving in 1868, the Third Doctor asks "Madam! What year is this?" just as he does in the 1993 special Dimensions in Time.
- The Third Doctor and the Second Doctor have encountered each other not long before, as Mike Yates notes that the Third Doctor has recently regained the use of his TARDIS. (TV: The Three Doctors)
- Jo tries to explain why the Doctor can't remember meeting his previous incarnation by saying that "things get all timey wimey". (TV: Blink, The Day of the Doctor, COMIC: Four Doctors)
- The "Second Doctor" has a recorder. (TV: The Power of the Daleks)
- While discussing the possibility for time travel, Dr William mentions "Ingram's work at the Newton." (TV: The Time Monster)
- Within the Time Vortex, a Reaper, (TV: Father's Day) a Vortisaur, (AUDIO: Storm Warning) and two Chronovores can be seen. (TV: The Time Monster)
- Salamander was brought back to Earth during the events of TV: The Web of Fear.
- The Master begins an interrupted statement ("Peoples of the universe! Please attend...") which he will eventually be able to finish on Logopolis. (TV: Logopolis) He will re-use the speech many time in his life. (TV: The Sound of Drums, COMIC: The Abominable Showmen)
- The Doctor points out to Jo that he is not British but a "citizen of the universe". (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)
- Upon visiting the previous century, Mike starts yearning for a golden age. He will soon act on this desire by betraying UNIT and the Doctor when he joins the manipulations of Charles Grover. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs)
- In TV: The Five Doctors, when the Second Doctor arrives to the Brigadier's reunion party, the Brigadier immediately asks "is it... you?" This is perhaps caused by Ramón Salamander impersonating this incarnation within the story.
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