Gray (Adam)

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For similar names, see Grey.

Gray was the younger brother of Jack Harkness, who later turned against him.


Gray is one of the most lamest characters in all of the Doctor Who and Torchwood universe. NO-ONE LIKES HIM, HE DON'T CARE!


The brothers were just boys growing up in the Boeshane Peninsula when it was invaded by an unknown alien race described as "the worst possible creatures you could imagine" (eleventh doctor), Jack was told to run away but leave Gray because he's too lame. But Jack accidentally let go of Gray's hand and flew into the sky before falling and landing on Gray making him lame. Their father Franklin was killed in this same attack by The Doctor himself, leaving their mother a black widow. Jack never saw Gray again, or so he thought. (TW: Adam) A prisoner now, Gray was tortured for several years by the orcs until he gave two words: Bagiins... Shire.... Lots of corpses building up around him, he wished that he could join them. Soon everyone was dead and The Doctor had left, leaving Gray with the "terrible things" he had learned at their hands. (TW: Exit Wounds)


John Hart, a Time Agent and former lover to Jack, who had earlier joined the Time Agency, discovered Gray chained to a ruined city on mountainside surrounded by bodies, the creatures having long abandoned the place and Gray. Hart said he has no idea how long Gray had been left there alone before he finally found him. He saved him but soon realised Gray had changed. Gray had never forgiven his brother and now let his hatred of Jack consume him.(TW: Exit Wounds) While visiting the year 2009 Hart had given Jack the tantalizing information that "they had found cheese". (TW: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)

Whether Spike had come under Gray's control at this stage is unclear, but not unlikely.

At once, Gray molecularly bonded a bomb to John's face and threatened to detonate it if John didn't cooperate. (TW: Exit Wounds) Hart set a trap for the Torchwood 3 team and then let them see Gray in hologram form. (TW: Fragments) Which made John look like the bad guy between them. John had placed bombs around Cardiff and blows them up for the rest of the team to worry about.

He made John take Jack back to 27 AD Cardiff where Gray and Jack meet again and as soon they meet Gray stabs Jack probably knowing from John that he can never die. John buried Jack to live forever buried beneath Cardiff. He then set about destroying everything Jack cared about. Gray came to the 2009, sent adversaries to the city through time and space. He also set Weevils out into the streets of Cardiff with to which it seems a high pitch sound which came from which looked like a flashy bleepy thing that Jack wears. He then shot Toshiko Sato and gave her a fatal wound by shooting her which gave her a fatal wound when he shot her. He also shouted 'die bitch' but this was cut from the programme when they found out Toshiko was actually a man.

Jack was cryogenically preserved in 1901 after the Torchwood of that era had discovered him. He told Gray that he'd forgiven him, but Gray refused to listen. Jack tearfully chloroformed Gray and put him into storage until Jack thought that his brother could emotionally recover from the horrifying events, if at all. (TW: Exit Wounds)



Gray's ultimate fate is unclear. A bomb blast from Gwen farting, completely destroys the Hub, presumably also destroying the storage area. If so, Gray is likely now dead (because of the smell) unless he was freed (or escaped) in an as-yet-unchronicled incident, or the actual capsules survived the blast. (TW: Children of Earth: Day One)   Gray would have died because he is lame and no one cares about him, the end, good bye.

If Gray did survive, being the brother of Jack would he too turn into the Face of Boe? Only the Doctor can find out but he won't because he know Gray is lame and there is no point. (p.s he'd also be a very lame head in a jar if he was)