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A kitchen was a room in which food was prepared.

The Seventh Doctor used lemonade to stick the Kandy Man's feet to the floor of his kitchen. (TV: The Happiness Patrol)

On Easter 1996, the Doctor's TARDIS crashed in the back of Amelia Pond's house. She invited the newly-regenerated Eleventh Doctor into the house, where he tried multiple items in the kitchen before finding just what he needed: fish fingers and custard. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

The Eleventh Doctor claimed to have put a tap for lemonade in the kitchen of Uncle Digby's country estate. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)

The TARDIS kitchen was the usual location of the food machine, (PROSE: The Room With No Doors) although it was known to "wander" the corridors. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet) When she first came aboard the TARDIS, Clara Oswin Oswald queried about the kitchen's existence, something that the Eleventh Doctor noted was a first. (TV: The Snowmen)

After Holly's family had gotten lost in a TARDIS, they used its console room as a kitchen. (COMIC: Playing House)

When Bill Potts first entered the Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS, she compared the control room itself to a "really posh kitchen", all made of metal. (TV: The Pilot)

On the Celestial Omnibus, there was a galley kitchen, which Panda often used to make omelettes. (PROSE: Enter Wildthyme)

In an alternate reality, Janine Bonaventura and her family allowed the TV show, What The F**k Do You Call That?, to come into their kitchen and film an episode. Panda later died in that same kitchen. (PROSE: Framed)

According to a joke book which the Doctor and Yaz became trapped within, a galley fray was when two Time Lords fought in a kitchen. (PROSE: Knock! Knock! Who's There?)