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Timeline for 1996
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1996 was a year.



On 22 January, James Stevens began writing Who Killed Kennedy. In April, Stevens went missing, having travelled back in time to Dallas, Texas on 22 November 1963 to assassinate U.S. President John F. Kennedy. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy [+]Loading...["Who Killed Kennedy (novel)"])

On 2 March, a café in Grantham sold the best fry-up ever made. A guide advised that one arrived early to avoid crowds of time travellers who flocked to the time and place of the legendary breakfast. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])

The Eleventh Doctor and Amelia Pond. (TV: The Eleventh Hour [+]Loading...["The Eleventh Hour (TV story)"])

At Easter, the newly regenerated Eleventh Doctor crashed his TARDIS in Amy Pond's back garden in Leadworth. He discovered a mysterious crack in her bedroom wall, but before he was able to discover more the TARDIS engines began to phase, so he had to leave to recalibrate them. The young Amy was left behind for twelve years because the TARDIS was too badly damaged to control for him to return to the exact moment he'd left her. (TV: The Eleventh Hour [+]Loading...["The Eleventh Hour (TV story)"])

In May, a Professor X film premiered. (PROSE: The Room With No Doors [+]Loading...["The Room With No Doors (novel)"])

On 6 August, scientists at NASA announced that they had found evidence of primitive organisms on the Martian asteroid ALH 84001. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])

In October, Jacob Tyler remarried. (PROSE: Damaged Goods [+]Loading...["Damaged Goods (novel)"])

On 16 November, the girl group Blood Honeys had their "spontaneous" first concert at the Tripod nightclub in Dublin. Nineteen-year-old Donna Noble, in the city for a hen night, attempted to persuade her friends to go to Tripod, but was unsuccessful. An older Donna, travelling with the Tenth Doctor, asked him to take her to the concert, whereupon they discovered that the band had come under the influence of three psirens who wanted to use them to conquer the Earth. (PROSE: Wannabes [+]Loading...["Wannabes (novel)"])

On 17 November, the Doctor and Donna went to the Gresham Hotel, the site of the Blood Honeys' second concert, to stop the psirens and free the band. Celeda Morathine, who had been doubting the Daughters of Khizerax's warring ways, turned on her sisters and helped the Doctor and Donna stop the invasion plan. Donna persuaded the members of the Blood Honeys to continue with their music career. (PROSE: Wannabes [+]Loading...["Wannabes (novel)"])

On 17 December, the Toymaker came to Stockbridge to get revenge on the Doctor. The villagers were transformed into the Toymaker's puppets. Maxwell Edison and Izzy Sinclair were in Wells Wood at the time and managed to evade the Toymaker's powers.

On 19 December, the Eighth Doctor came to Stockbridge. He met up with Maxwell and Izzy. The Toymaker brought them to his newly created castle and used the Imagineum to create a copy of the Doctor. The Doctor was forced to fight the copy to the death, but he talked the copy out of fighting. The Doctor then used the Imagineum on the Toymaker. The Toymaker became caught in a stalemate with his copy and was banished back to where he came from. Afterwards, Izzy began travelling with the Doctor. (COMIC: Endgame [+]Loading...["Endgame (DWM comic story)"])


The Eighth Doctor was summoned back to Earth via the space-time telegraph by the United Nations to assist them after they were offered the Cold. Sam Jones met Sarah Jane Smith (who also met the Doctor in his eighth incarnation). (PROSE: Interference - Book One [+]Loading...["Interference - Book One (novel)"], Interference - Book Two [+]Loading...["Interference - Book Two (novel)"])

Operation Endeavour was in force in Bosnia. Josie Williams signed an agreement with a Bosnian diplomat who was then assassinated. Josie was taken as a hostage but was saved by Paul Reynish. (HOMEVID: When to Die [+]Loading...["When to Die (home video)"])

The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki Pallister arrived at the Festival of Ghana, pursued by Daleks. (TV: The Chase [+]Loading...["The Chase (TV story)"])

Rex Matheson's father became an alcoholic due to family and financial troubles. (TV: Dead of Night [+]Loading...["Dead of Night (TV story)"])

A NASA shuttle was struck by a meteorite. Millicent Drake was the only survivor of the crew but she lost her limbs, which were replaced by metal prosthetics. (AUDIO: Ferril's Folly [+]Loading...["Ferril's Folly (audio story)"])

The Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka visited Egypt and London. (PROSE: The Sands of Time [+]Loading...["The Sands of Time (novel)"])

A Graske was responsible for the disappearance of three students in Carlisle. The Graske was killed in a nightclub, and its corpse was taken to the Leamington Spa Lifeboat Museum. (GAME: Security Bot [+]Loading...["Security Bot (video game)"])

Iris Wildthyme and Jenny Winterleaf came to North East England and had an adventure involving jellyfish-like aliens, a moonbase, and the cast of a soap opera. After this, Jenny decided to stop travelling with Iris and stayed on Earth. (PROSE: The Dreadful Flap [+]Loading...["The Dreadful Flap (short story)"])

Never Give A Sucker An Even Break: History's Dodgiest Deals by J. Writhing-Crayfish was first published. (PROSE: Weapons Grade Snake Oil [+]Loading...["Weapons Grade Snake Oil (novel)"])

Alternate timelines

At Easter, Auton Rory Williams finished his job guarding the Pandorica at the National Museum. A version of Amelia Pond rescued her older, nearly deceased self, who had been inside the Pandorica since 102, with the younger Amy's DNA. The Eleventh Doctor, having taken a vortex manipulator from 102, seemed to be killed by a Stone Dalek. River Song killed it shortly afterward. This was a ruse to sneak past and fly the Pandorica with the Doctor inside into his exploding TARDIS to reboot the universe, which was being destroyed by the Time Field. (TV: The Big Bang [+]Loading...["The Big Bang (TV story)"])

Births and deaths

Nathan Goss was born. (TV: The Lost Boy [+]Loading...["The Lost Boy (TV story)","The Lost Boy"])

Chang Ho was stabbed to death by a member of rival gang in San Francisco. (PROSE: The Novel of the Film [+]Loading...["The Novel of the Film (novelisation)"])