Damon (Arc of Infinity)

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You may be looking for the Atlantean of the same name.

Damon was a Time Lord technician for the High Council of the Time Lords who worked in their records section.


Like all Time Lords, Damon was taken from his family at the age of eight for the selection process in the Drylands. Staring into the Untempered Schism as part of a Time Lord initiation rite, Damon was inspired by what he saw in the Schism. (PROSE: A Brief History of Time Lords)

Damon gave the Fifth Doctor proof that a member of the High Council had stolen his biodata extract, which had allowed Omega to carry out his plan to achieve physical existence once more. Damon helped the Doctor by reassembling the Heart of the TARDIS after Maxil had removed it. (TV: Arc of Infinity)

Behind the scenes

According to NOTVALID: Dalek: Spoof Scenes, in a version of events where the Last Great Time War was fought against the Drashigs rather than the Daleks, the Ninth Doctor cited Damon as one of the people who'd perished in the War, alongside Drax, Spandrell and the Meddling Monk.