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The penny was a unit of currency used in the United Kingdom.

Prior to the decimalisation of British money, there were twelve pennies in a shilling and twenty shillings in a pound, meaning that there were 240 pennies in a pound. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)


In 1888, The Manchester Guardian cost 5s 6d every quarter or a penny per issue. (PROSE: Pride of Mayfield Star Lines Beached in Devastating Storm)

Sarah Jane Smith used a 2p piece to call Sir Colin Thackeray from a public call box. (TV: The Seeds of Doom)

According to Paterson in 1989, the cost of a phone call was 10p. (TV: Survival)

As a child, Amy Pond visited Barry Island where she played the 2p machines. (COMIC: Summer Wholiday)