Futurama was an animated series created by Matt Groening, set in the year 3000.
It featured a fictionalised version of Richard Nixon, as a villainous disembodied head. (PROSE: Tricky Dicky)
Behind the scenes
DWU references on Futurama
In the episode Möbius Dick, the Fourth Doctor appears among the space whale's past victims.
In All the Presidents' Heads, the Fourth Doctor appears again, and a disembodied head in a jar in the Hall of Presidents with a name plaque reading "Amelia Pond" appears. Another head with a name plaque reading "Owen Harper" appears.
In Assie Come Home, a deactivated Dalek is among many robot parts.
John DiMaggio voices Bender and various other reoccurring characters in the series.
Frank Welker voices Nibbler and provides the vocal effects of various non-speaking characters.
Bumper Robinson originally voiced Dwight Conrad in his first two appearances.
Dan Castellaneta voices the Robot Devil.
External links