Howling:The Alliance

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The Howling → The Alliance
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So, an Alliance.

Will have to watch again, but did not see any Weevils.

Only the Sontarans seemed to be there to save the universe, and said so after the Doctor was in the Pandorica, so were under no obligation to mislead.

Maybe I'm just cynical, but I can't see any alliance involving the daleks or cybermen lasting too long, but that said, the capability of the Nestene Consciousness to run something way more sophisticated than shop mannikins and rubberised dopplegangers (remember imposter Mickey in Season One?) has me wondering if any of the members of the Alliance are really plastic imposters that believe their own cover story?!

The Nestene lost ALL their protein planets in the Time War, which was being conducted equally by the daleks and Time Lords, so I cannot see those two genuinely joining forces.

Disappointed to see the Judoon present, as really enjoyed them as intergalactic police. Slightly mollified, as in the same instance of them beaming in, a case was being made that calculations put the Doctor as being responsible for the cracks.
Torchwood Five 22:41, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

Lots more creatures were there for the filming than ended up on-screen, as shown by Confidential. In addition to the Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Autons, and Judoon, there were Weevils, Sycorax, Roboforms, Hoix, Blowfish, Silurians, and possibly others. Rob T Firefly 23:25, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

They did all just join together even with the Daleks because they could all be destroyed by the cracks, though they did hate the Daleks the Daleks are one of the most advanced races ever who knows more about a threat to every universe than the Daleks. Still good point about the nestenes having a grudge they might duke it out in part two because of all their differences after they think the doctor has been contained, who knows maybe the doc will be able to escape that way. Winehousefan, 23:54, June 19, 2010 [UTC]

The Daleks had the Doctor in their sights, why didn't they just exterminate him instead of locking him up? THe other Daleks would have killed him and all the other races instead of working with them. They are no longer Daleks to me. (although I think they look awsome in pretty colours) --Donovan-j-charlie 23:17, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

The Daleks have lost their fear factor for me. I don't know whether it's just because they appear so often, or because with the new design I can't help but think "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain". I think the Cybermen are much more intimidating. They've been getting more and more powerful over the last few series, they take people and turn them into more Cybermen and use them as soldiers, rather than just killing them, and they can walk up stairs. 00:14, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

The Daleks probably went to all that effort because they know that every attempt to zap the doc has failed, so they built this thing that would absoloutly hold him. Remember they don't want him to pilot the TARDIS so they would have thought if they shoot him he will probably run into it flee, or suppose they try and shoot him he could just flee. But still when they had him in chains they could have just zapped him there, it is a bit of a plothole, but overall I still think that was one of if not the best finale's of the new who. Winehousefan, 09:20, June 20, 2010 [UTC]

So the fundamemtal question remains - why contain when it is easier, and more certain, to kill. There was plenty of opportunity.

Perhaps the Alliance is being played? Jack Chilli 09:32, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe they realized that he'd regenerate, and didn't want to take the chance of him coming back if they killed him. --Halftimelord 09:35, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Regenerate? They had an amada of thousands of battleships. Kill him chop him to chunks, kill all of them, take every atom and kill that. He's not an immortal or even physically tough. Jack Chilli 11:57, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, but they might not have known that. All the times that they've tried to kill him before and failed, they might just decide that it would be easier to keep him locked up than try and kill him, because he might seem indestructible to them. --Halftimelord 12:06, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

They have fought wars with the timelords. They can analyse him by sight; know his strenghts and weaknesses. They know he regenerates but they have the power to keep killing and killing and killing and killing him. They are not stupid. Or, they _were_ not stupid. It just seems very wrong. Jack Chilli 12:30, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Where were the Weeping Angels? All that stone and not one statue . . . Jack Chilli 12:01, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

I think Jack Chilli may have a point. Is the Alliance being played?
So, scenarios:
1. Reversal of Fortune: at the end of the episode, we saw the supernovas and darkness happening anyway. So that could have the Sontarans et al, next week going, "Well that didn't work".
2. In Stephen Moffatt style, a Doctor or other ally may have put something inside the Pandorica to aid whoever gets put in there.
3. While exploring the outside, 11th said "whoever controls the Pandorica controls the universe", so, could one race be intending to control it and the Doctor once he is inside, while everyone else thinks it is to do with saving the universe?
4. Is this going to be another Crowning Moment of Awesome [1] for the Nestene? Personally, I think they earned one in TPO.

Jack mentions the Weeping Angels. They already learned to their cost that you don't put the 11th in a trap, not if you value your continued existence, so they would probably cry off the idea.

This, like most of my speculations, may not have a bearing, but in the back of my mind, the Silurian force field that makes it look like night, keeps occuring. Usually over Amy's house, but how about round the Earth? Perhaps to convince the Alliance that silence has fallen? Torchwood Five 12:56, June 20, 2010 (UTC)