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Coordinator Narvin replaced Coordinator Vansell as head of the Celestial Intervention Agency following Vansell's death aboard the time station during the Anti-Time crisis. (BFA: Zagreus)

Many centuries earlier, Narvin had been a technician working under Glower on Project Alpha - to develop a 'Timonic Fusion Device'. They were warned of dire consequences by then-Ambassador Braxiatel, but the two dismissed his theories. The resulting catastrophe had destroyed an entire world, and required the C.I.A. to conceal the involvement of the Time Lords. Narvin took up a position in the CIA soon afterwards and as Braxiatel put it "never looked back." Narvin and Braxiatel harboured a long-standing enmity towards each other, possibly dating from this incident. (BFG: The Inquiry)

As Chief Coordinator, Narvin was originally against Lady President Romana as president and her rather liberal reforms and demanded an inquiry into her actions during the events on Gryben, but following the failure to get her arrested or charged, eventually ended up teaming with the Inquisitor Darkel in an attempt to depose her. However, after the events such as Free Time, Pandora and Darkel's machinations (one of which involved planting a bug bomb into his shoulder that Leela had to cut out and dispose of) he ended up staunchly in Romana's favour as one of the few senior Time Lords who continued to support her after the civil war had ended, and also grew a deep animosity towards Darkel, which went on until her death. He joined Romana's side in the civil war against Pandora's forces, being almost killed in a premature bomb explosion which also blinded Leela. (BFG: Weapon of Choice, Pandora, Insurgency, Appropriation)

Narvin and Leela shared an association, partially through the status Leela held due to her husband Andred (Narvin believed for a time that he had covered up the murder of Andred by one of his C.I.A. agents) and through her friendship with Romana. Particularly during the civil war and after, with most of their other confidants either exiled or locked up or dead, Leela often (if a little reluctantly) went to him for advice, and Narvin often went to Leela for errands he couldn't trust to anyone else.
