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Coordinator Narvin replaced Coordinator Vansell as head of the Celestial Intervention Agency following Vansell's death aboard the time station during the Anti-Time crisis. (BFA: Zagreus)

Many centuries earlier, Narvin had been a technician working under Glower on Project Alpha - to develop a 'Timonic Fusion Device'. They were warned of dire consequences by then-Ambassador Braxiatel, but the two dismissed his theories and proceeded with the test. The resulting catastrophe had destroyed an entire world, and required the C.I.A. to conceal the involvement of the Time Lords. Narvin took up a position in the CIA soon afterwards and as Braxiatel put it, "never looked back." Narvin and Braxiatel harboured a long-standing enmity towards each other, possibly dating from this incident. (BFG: The Inquiry)

As Chief Coordinator, Narvin was originally against the Lady President Romana and her rather liberal reforms and drew the suspicions of the Castellan at the time, Andred. Correctly assuming that he was being drawn into a trap, he sent Torvald in his place when they agreed to meet up, which cost Torvald his life and Andred a regeneration, though Narvin was unaware of this. Believing Andred to be Torvald, he quickly covered up the event to protect "Torvald", only admitting that he did when held at knife point by Leela and only discovering the truth after Andred's confession in 1939. Narvin immediately began fostering a loathing for Andred, which he implied wouldn't have been as strong if Andred hadn't killed one of his own operatives. (BFG: The Inquiry, A Blind Eye, Lies)

After her actions on Gryben, Narvin demanded an inquiry, but ultimately failed to get her arrested or charged, as he would have preferred. He eventually ended up teaming with the Inquisitor Darkel in an attempt to remove her from her office. Even though Braxiatel took him into confidence by admitting that he was in frequent contact with past and future selves (a very serious law in Time Lord society), Narvin betrayed him, using the information to get Braxiatel dishonourably exiled and to puncture a hole in Romana's credibility. Unfortunately, misjudging the extent of Darkel's ambitions, his actions and his trust in her (despite the fact that she obviously felt very cavalier about the idea of him being arrested) ended up indirectly causing the release of Pandora and the resulting civil war that threw the entire planet into turmoil. (BFG: Insurgency) Narvin later admitted that he had made a mistake in betraying Braxiatel's trust. (BFG: Mindbomb)

At some point following ([[BFG: Spirit), Narvin was involved with the development of the assassin Aesino, a being that had been fractured through time, which he (presumably along with other members of the CIA) had hooked up to the late-Castellan Wynter's TARDIS, or at the least the one he had stolen. He was unable to perfect it before war broke out, and never suggested it as a weapon, fearing what the Vault's consciousness would do if ever in the possession of a Time Lord President.

When Pandora was released and began to wreak havoc on Gallifrey, he joined Romana's side in the civil war and nearly regenerated (possibly for the first time) in a premature bomb explosion which also blinded Leela. After managing to engineer their escape from the Anomaly Vaults and helping build a base in the now ruined remnants of the Academy, he created his own version of certain Matrix partitions, in effect a force field capable of keeping everything out. Through this technology Romana was able to enter APC Net chamber and eventually defeat Pandora. (BFG: Fractures, Warfare)

Though Narvin had started as a character who would have liked nothing better to see Romana defamed, he ended up, somewhat unexpectedly, after the events of Free Time, Pandora, and Darkel's machinations (one of which involved planting a bug bomb into his shoulder that Leela had to cut out and dispose of), as one of more staunch supporters of Romana and was one of the few senior Time Lords who continued to do so after the civil war had ended. (BFG: Pandora, Warfare, Appropriation)

Narvin and Leela shared an association, partially through the status Leela held due to her husband Andred (Narvin believed for a time that he had covered up the murder of Andred by one of his C.I.A. agents) and through her friendship with Romana. Particularly during the civil war and after, with most of their other confidants either exiled or locked up or dead, Leela often (if a little reluctantly) went to him for advice, and Narvin often went to Leela for errands he couldn't trust to anyone else.
