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UNIT HQ was the name given to the operating base of a UNIT branch and usually refers to the headquarters of the British arm. It is not to be confused with UNIT Central Control in Geneva (DW: The Invasion), the command and control facility for the entire international organisation.

List of known UNIT HQ Locations

UNIT HQ has occupied a number of physical locations, presumably to help keep its location a secret or adapt to current needs.

Military Plane

In 1969, UNIT HQ was on a military cargo-type propeller-driven aircraft. The facility included offices, a command and control centre, a vehicle bay and space and equipment for a UNIT Assault Platoon. The plane served as HQ for the officer commanding unit. There was also a Wing Commander aboard who held responsibility for flight operations.

During the Cybermen invasion, this mobile base allowed UNIT to move about more easily. (DW: The Invasion)

In the early 21st century, when the UK branch were briefly framed as criminals, they escaped the country in another military plane which also served as a temporary in-transit base. (BFU: The Wasting)

Building in London

During the Auton incident, UNIT HQ was in a building in London. This HQ included offices, a science lab and a parking garage. The guards did not wear UNIT uniforms, presumably to keep a low profile. (DW: Spearhead from Space)

This HQ was temporary, and they later moved to Priory Mews in Denham. (MA: The Scales of Injustice, PDA: The Face of the Enemy)

Building on the edge of London

The Doctor, after rescuing Doc Dantalion, requested that he sign over ownership of his 16th century manor house. This allowed UNIT to have a rent-free HQ, and its funding (which had been cut by the government) was restored. (VD: Where the Heart Is)

This HQ, on the edge of London, featured more visible guards, offices, a parking garage and a science lab. It was briefly transported to an alternate universe by the Time Lord Omega. (DW: The Three Doctors)

This HQ was visited by the Doctor in 1983 for a UNIT reunion. (DW: The Five Doctors)

Tower of London

During the Sycorax's attack of Earth, UNIT had a HQ located under the Tower of London. (DW: The Christmas Invasion)

Articulated Truck

During the Sontaran incident in 2009, UNIT maintained a mobile base in an articulated lorry. The vehicle included offices and modern command and control facilities. Nevertheless, at this time, the official HQ was still in the Tower of London. (DW: The Sontaran Stratagem)