Lorna Bucket

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Lorna Bucket was from Gamma Forest and had met the Doctor when she was a young girl. He had repeatedly told her to 'run', implying the situation they had been was dangerous.

She sewed and gifted Amy Pond with a prayer leaf for her daughter which was embroidered with the closest translation of Melody Pond in her native tongue, River Song.

She stayed behind after the other Clerics 'ran away' and overheard Madame Kovarian talking about a trap. When trying to warn the Doctor's army about what she had oveheard, she told Amy she had joined the Clerics because she wanted to meet the Doctor again, in spite of their desire to destroy him. She stated it was the only way to meet a great warrior. When Amy states that he is not a warrior, Lorna is confused because his name is "Doctor".

Lorna was gravely wounded in the battle against the Headless monks. The Doctor consoled her in her last moments, thanking her for helping to save his friends and assuring her that he remembered her, that he always remembers those that he meets. Later it is revealed that he does not know who she is, that he pretended to remembered her, implying the events she recalled had not occured for him yet. (DW: A Good Man Goes to War)