Howling:Little girl

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The Howling → Little girl
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Who is this little girl? Is she somehow related to the Doctor? *Spoilers*

She is seen regenerating at the end of the episode Day of the Moon. Post speculations below! Tyw7  (☎ Contact me! • Contributions)   Changing the world one edit at a time! 18:15, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

There were rumours before TIA last week that we would see River Song as a child. So I think the little girl could possibly be River Song. But on the other hand, it was revealed that Amy is pregnant, and there were pictures in that orphanage of Amy with a baby. So it could also be Amy's daughter Saxon 3 18:28, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

Ok spoilers people!! If you don't want things spoiled then don't open this link: [1] I was initially disappointed about this but from what just happened with the Little Girl, I'm kinda pleased that the revelation won't be a total let down. --Revan\Talk 18:32, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

It's obviously Amy's daughter......the Silence must have impregnated her with cells while she was trapped in that wherever-it-was. Why did the Doctor have to know? It's his child. Simple really......thought how River Song fits into this eludes me. the twelfth doctor 18:42, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

Ah of course, the Silence impregnated her, that makes more sense since she seemed to be joking around at Rory's expense by suggesting that she had "relations" with the Doctor before Rory joined. --Revan\Talk 18:48, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

OK, so according to that link Revan put up above, River is a time lord, and therefore might be the Doctor's daughter, and his wife. Ehm........ewwww. the twelfth doctor 18:51, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

I was trying to keep things spoiler-lite there, but the Howlingis for spoilers anyway... That is kinda weird isn't it? I'm really hoping for the Silence being the surrogate daddy and not the Doctor being the father because that is bringing up the arguement on incest... --Revan\Talk 18:55, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

I've uploaded the scene on YouTube.

Tyw7  (☎ Contact me! • Contributions)   Changing the world one edit at a time! 19:07, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

In the trailer we hear a voive going "I've killed hundreds of Time Lords". I wonder if this is the Head Silent speaking, and the Silence have been attempting to make themselves as powerful as the time lords. In doing so have then been attempting to fuse their DNA with themselves (first using experiments like Amy), because the Aickman Road machine is very like a TARDIS. Saxon 3 19:25, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

Maybe The Silence impregnated her and that they have obtained Time Lord DNA somehow. Used it to impregnate her. Might not be The Doctor's daughter. 19:55, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

Then again, Amy said she thought she was pregnant before the Silence kidnapped her. But if River Song is Amy's daughter, and a Time Lord it would tie things up nicely - for instance the Little Girl has an American accent, River doesn't. Saxon 3 20:12, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

Hey have an attempted TARDIS, a time machine. Who says they didn't go back, capture her then impregnated her, and just recaptured her to see how things were going or to abort it? 20:15, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

Looking a bit too deeply into the monitoring scene now, the scanner seems to fluctuate between "preggers" and "non-preggers", this could be some kind of temporal distortion. If this was the case then Amy could get pregnant in a later episode and then there could be time ripples of the pregnancy going back through her timeline explaining the weird scanner anomaly. --Revan\Talk 20:18, April 30, 2011 (UTC)

Or the scanner could just be analyzing and they cut the scene before it shows the result. V00D00M0NKY 03:21, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

Oooorrrr.... Since the Doctor is the "Last of the Time Lords" and the TARDIS knows that, maybe the baby is a Time Lord/Lady and the TARDIS is just rejecting that thought.... TheTARDIScontroller 03:56, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

I'm gonna take a really wild guess here and say that the little girl is in fact the Twelfth Doctor, mostly because it would be so awesome if in a few months time I turn out to be right. Taptaptaptap 05:55, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

That makes INSANELY no sense. If the Twelfth Doc killed the 11th doc, then the 12th doc wouldn't be around to kill the 11th doc... Classic case of the "Grandfather Paradox". It wouldn't be able to happen. TheTARDIScontroller 08:16, May 1, 2011 (UTC)
I don't know if this would work, but could the girl be River and the Doctor's child? River could have already had her in her timeline (in the Doctor's future) - perhaps the Silence erased the memory from her, or she's not supposed to say anything for some reason?
But at first Amy says she's preggers but after a visit to the Silence "tardis" she no longer is. Perhaps the silence took it out... somehow. Tyw7  (☎ Contact me! • Contributions)   Changing the world one edit at a time! 10:32, May 1, 2011 (UTC)
I'm actually surprised noone has said "Little Girl = The Rani/Romana/The woman/Rose/Susan/any other female in the new and old series."
It could be possible that the girl is Amy and Rory's child. If she was pregnant before the Silence abducted her then they could have simply altered the DNA of the fetus to make it be able to regenerate or time travell had a similar effect.
Another possibility is the girl is aTime Lady that somehow escaped the Time War. Which (given the 4th episode has the title "The Doctor's Wife") could be possible.
We don't actually know that it was the little girl who killed the Doctor. The space suit was capable of operating itself without an occupant, and River said it was repairing itsself. Since the little girl is no longer in the space suit, it could be more likely that the space suit either killed the Doctor itsself, or it "ate" somebody else who killed the Doctor. Whoever killed him, I doubt that the girl is the 12th Doctor, just because that means that after Matt Smith decides to leave the show, his successor would have to be a little girl. Plus, unless time is rewritten, there won't be a 12th Doctor. Based on the pictures in the girl's room, it is more likely Amy's child than an escaped Time Lord.Icecreamdif 13:17, May 1, 2011 (UTC)
about your theory on her being the doctors wife, i think rivers kiss at the end of day of the moon was straight forward enough to say she's the doctor's wife :/
i think she may be a full timelord who may have escaped the timewar, as for the spacesuit...i honestly have no theories for that yet -_-
DarkShadowSword 14:18, May 2, 2011 (UTC)

Maybe Amy isn't the mother at all, shes just a surrogate parent since there are no Time Lady's left, but then Amy treats the child like shes the mother (hence the photos). --Revan\Talk 14:40, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

Right. We know that the girl got out of the spacesuit in 1969. 42 years later in 2011 it emerged from lake silencio, killed the doctor that was 2 centuries older than the one in 1969 and went back into the lake. Ther could very well be someone else in it. bbut if the girl was a time lady and could regenerate why would she need a life support system in the first place? Doctorpenguin 20:39, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

She would still only be able to regenerate 12 times, so she could be using the life support system to avoid wasting a regeneration, and as the Doctor said in The End of Time, regeneration feels like death. A regeneration may be preferable to dying, but it is still something to be avoided. Either way, it didn't seem like it was the girl's choice to enter the space suit.Icecreamdif 20:53, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

Another big question of course is why hasn't the Doctor sensed her? It's not like what happened with The Master, he at first had the fob watch which made him human and then used the Archangel netowork to conceal himself from the Doctor. This also hints more that the little girl is not a natural born Time Lord (Lady). As for the Spacesuit I don't think we've seen the last of it, it may be we discover who has replaced the occupant in a future episode. Saxon 3 21:15, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

Hi, here is my theory of who the little girl from "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon" is;

I think she is the daughter of Amy and Rory, and as Amy said in "Day of the Moon", the TARDIS had an effect on her, giving her the power to regenerate.

I think she is also River Song. And she killed the Doctor in the space suit, in Utah 2011 (DW: The Impossible Astronaut).

The reason the Silence want her to be cared for is because she will kill the Doctor, leaving them free to destroy the universe, hence "Silence will Fall".

The little girl/River Song is also the Doctor's second wife - Idris (DW: The Doctor's Wife) being the first.

The Doctor's first wife would be Susan's grandmother, and she is presumably dead, like all other Time Lords. I doubt that Idris is literally the Doctor's wife though, the title will probably be more metaphorical than that. When Amy talked about side effects the TARDIS could have on pregnancies, the Doctor laughed it off, and seemed to think that that was nonsense, and Amy can't possibly know what side effects time travel would have on pregnancy. It would be an amazing side effect of TARDIS travel, if it can give an unborn child the power of regeneration. If the girl is Amy and Rory's child, its regeneration abilities probably have something to do with whatever the Silence were doing to Amy when they captured her. It also isn't likely that River was the one in the space suit, because River was already on the beach with the rest of them, and the first law of time forbids anyone from being in the same place at the same time as themself from another time zone. Apart from that, River went on to start shooting the astronaut, which she wouldn't do if she was the astronaut, and River seems to love the Doctor, and probably wouldn't want to kill him. Icecreamdif 22:08, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

The First Law of Time can be broken, you know. It easily could have been River there, unlikely though it may be. --Bold Clone 23:05, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

The first law of time has been broken before, but usually the Timelords are involved. The only times the Timelords weren't involved in breaking the first law, were Father's Day and The Big Bang. In Father's Day, breaking the first law of time obviously had negative consequences, and in The Big Bang, the universe had just been destoroyed, so it was okay to ignore the laws of time. Even if River was able to break the first law of time, it doesn't really make sense for her to be the astronaut. River seemed just as shocked as anyone when the astronaut killed the Doctor, and if she was the one in the suit, River wouldn't have started shooting the astronaut. Also, if River did kill the Doctor, than he would probably be the great man that she killed. Because she ended up in a 51st century prison, it can be assumed that she killed whoever she killed in the 51st or 52nd centuries, not the 21st.Icecreamdif 23:44, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

Is no one thinking that maybe she isn't the Doctor's child? What if the reason she's a Time Lord is because of the wierdness Amy has been exposed to? She has been present at the end of the universe (sort of), was in the Pandorica for a couple thousand years, and to top it all off the current Doctor, Rory, and who knows what else more exist because she remembers them - her memory brought them back into existance in the Fifth Series finale.

Here me out, here. Ever wondered why the Time Lords are so similar to humans, with vastly improved versions of the same body systems (same appearance, red blood, similar shaped hearts/lungs/skeleton, breathing the same gases, FACIAL HAIR for God`s sake!)? And why the Doctor, even early in his first incarnation when he didn't like humans, ALWAYS stuck around humanity and protected Earth? And what it was that scared the Doctor when he looked into the Time Vortex?

Here comes some wild speculation. What if the radiation and overall wierdness Amy was exposed to have given her child the inherit abilities of a Time Lord, only with human organs and such, and that's why she's dying? This might explain the similarity between humans and Time Lords, since when regeneration occurs the new body tends to improve (the First Doctor got his second heart when he regenerated, the Doctor tends to get younger each time he regenerates). If the strange circumstances of her birth meant she had a weak immune system or conflicting biology (entirely possible - remember what happened to Donna with a Time Lord brain), she could possibly regenerate with an improved version of the human body, resulting in Time Lord biology.

But wouldn't she already have it, you ask? here's where the really crazy ideas come out. What if the girl is in fact the first Time Lord, the being from which the whole race sprang? After all, we have never heard much of Time Lord history, the earliest solid record being just before they got time travel. That would take millenia to reach, so there's some wiggle room.

The girl is obviously lost and trying to escape the Silence, and the demi-TARDIS was almost certainly meant for her use. My guess is that somewhere in the future, after her birth, she is kidnapped by the Silence and forced by them to make another TARDIS, so that they can spread their control to other places and times. This could also explain their attempt to take control 0f the real TARDIS in Series 5 - the explosion might not have been intended to happen.

Well, there's my theory. Feel free to find the flaws in it. Exfil22

Nice theory, but Rassilon and Omega are considered the founders of the Time Lords. But what you said about her being the first Time Lord - I think the Silence have created a new generation of Time Lords, with the little girl possibly being the first. Also it has been suggested that these Silent TARDISes are all over the world I think it would make sense. Saxon 3 13:21, May 2, 2011 (UTC)

Founders of the society, yes. The first ones, no. Like I said, the whole thing with Rassilon and Omega happened just before the first time travel experiment. There were thousands of years before this in which the Time Lords progressed and reached technological dominance. These are called the Dark Times, look it up on the wiki. Time Lords are not immortal, nor were they handed their tech immediatley. The history before Rassilon, Omega, and all the rest (yes there were others) is myth at best, an opening which could easily be used to fit the girl in. Exfil22

It makes sense to restore the Time Lord race so that the Silence can dominate them like they did humans. On one side you've got species who can build time vessels that are bigger on the inside and on the other you've gor a race who won't invent a crude form of time travel for another 3000ish years. Time Guardian 13:56, May 2, 2011 (UTC)

Why is no one thinking the obvious - that she's the Doctor and Amy's child? This was hinted at all through the two episodes, and the possibility of Amy's baby being his certainly occured to the Doctor. Actually, I think this is what they intend us to believe at the moment, even if it's just a red herring to throw us of the scent of something else. Who knows?

What if the little girl is River Song? And Amy's Daughter? Amy Pond. River Song. My family and friends who watch doctor who certainly find it plausible Doctorpenguin 20:11, May 2, 2011 (UTC)

Their timelines are back to front. Always. River's invitation to the Doctor's death in the season premiere was a big deal, requiring huge effort (invitations sent through space and time). Plus, look at River's description of their first meeting in the premiere. Definatley not a baby's experience.
Also, RIVER IS HUMAN. No one seems to remember this. She has one heart, no special Time Lord body, no Time Lord telepathy, et cetera. River is not the girl, unless that wasn't a regeneration. Exfil22

Am I the only one who thinks it would be gross that The Doctor was making out with his own daughter if this was true? 07:43, May 3, 2011 (UTC)

No you are not. If River and the girl were the Doctor's daughter not only is this gross but think of the controversy. Parents get very agitated when something like that happens in a programme for kids. Also if the Doctor was the father of Amy's child then that would mean that there is no way their could be any douht about Amy been pregnent since (from her perspective) it would be 5 months into her pregnancy and everyone would notice it then.

If Amy is pregnant then it would need to be early enough for people to not notice but late enough for her to be sick over it.

River and the Doctor's timelines are not back to front. We already knew that a future version of the Doctor will eventually meet River to give her sonic screwdriver, and if their lives were back to front, the diaries would be useless. The whole point of the diaries is to find their common experiences, which they wouldn't have if they were meeting in perfect reverse order. Besides, when River and the 1103 Doctor were comparing diaries, River didn't seem surprised, at all, that they shared common experiences in the diary. When River said that their lives were back to front, she meant that in general she met later versions of the Doctor earlier in her timeline and earlier versions of the Doctor later in her timeline, but not in perfect reverse order. So far, apart from the 1103 Doctor, we have only seen them meet in perfect-reverse order, but she has only been in 4 episodes so far. We actually don't know that River only has one heart and is human, although she probably is. The Doctor would probably know if she was a time lady. We don't even know if the little girl is a Time Lord though. The Minyans could regenerate thousands of times, who knows how many other species have the ability.Icecreamdif 13:41, May 4, 2011 (UTC)

Remember that the Gallifreyans were "augmented" into Time Lords by Rassilon's biological tampering; before that, they had one heart, couldn't regenerate, didn't sense time lines or empathically connect with TARDISes, etc. Morbius promised to do the same for other races; Mawdryn and friends were able to partly reproduce the ability from stolen Time Lord technology; etc. And that's just on TV--in the novels and BFAs, it was even established that fully-grown humans could be turned into Time Lords. (Good thing they didn't do that with Leela--she would have become sterile like all Time Ladies were in the VNAs, so she couldn't have had Andred's baby, so he wouldn't have gone back in time to become The Other and eventually pseudo-regenerate himself into the Doctor....)

Anyway, this means that, in the Whoniverse, it's clearly scientifically possible to start with a purely human embryo and somehow add in the ability to regenerate. It's questionable whether it's within the technological means of the Silence to do so, but there are probably other possible culprits.

Here's a crazy theory: The Silence maneuvered the events of last season to erase the universe, counting on the fact that the Doctor would come up with some clever way to reboot it from Amy's memories. Meanwhile, they'd implanted into Amy's mind a subconscious memory that they'd been in control of humanity for millennia, and also that they had an embryo they'd stolen from her (even though she didn't know she was pregnant at the time), and some kind of Time Lord technology that could be used to turn that embryo into a Time Fetus. So, when the new universe was created from her memories, all of those things were now true. And, when they captured Amy, they re-implanted the embryo. This might even explain why the TARDIS scanner is confused--either because she didn't get pregnant the normal way, or because she's not carrying a normal human, her biology is all confusing. Of course somehow Amy's sickly but secretly superhuman daughter will have to get stranded in the 1960s (and it would have to be in 1963, at 3 years old or so, because how could it not be 1963 on Doctor Who?) for the Silence to pick up and protect until 1969, but that wouldn't be too hard to plot out in the rest of the season. -- 05:00, May 5, 2011 (UTC)

How about this i read that the little girl is named Susan and that this is mention in Doctor Who confidential so could it be possible the the little girl is Susan Foreman and that when she first regenerated it was to the body of a little girl, or the girl cold be Romana sshe escape the time war regenreated to a little girl and changed her DNA to human like The Doctor did when he bacme John Smith in the Family of Blood and recently opened her fog watch regained her memories get capture by the Silence escapes and regenerates the same cold said if she cold be the Rani.Michiru 14 12:50, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

Has anybody thought about the fact that in Flesh and stone The doctor finds out that River killed a man ( and a very good man ). This was why she was imprisoned in the stormcage. Could it not be her in the suit killing the doctor? In this case she would know what she is going to do, just something to think about.Silencewillfall 17:31, May 6, 2011 (UTC) Mpvanch

just to stop all the speculation that the girl is river river tryed to kill the girl she would not have done that if it where her becuse she knows the laws of time and that would cause a paradox if it was river as a girl that would of been in her past so she would know about it and not be so shocked and upset. sorry to all those who were hopeing it was river to be honest the girl is of time lord desent clue one ) she has super human strength clue two ) she regenerated and clue three ) when the doctor is talking about her he says "strong and running i like her" what if he likes her becuse she rimends him of him implying he is the dad ----Whooligist 21:16, May 7, 2011 (UTC)---- "speculation is there to be proved wrong"

Well, since "speculation is there to be proved wrong," let meprove this wrong: the girl is supposedly the Doctor's daughter. At best, the evidence shows that he girl is a Time Lord. Your only evidence that the girl is the Doctor's daughter is that when the Doctor refers to her, he says "strong and running--I like her." To me, that is just plainly interpreted as "she seems nice." The Doctor might say the same thing about Amy or River: "stong-willed and a runner--I like her." --Bold Clone 21:45, May 7, 2011 (UTC)

According to IMDB--which I'd guess has a good chance of being wrong, but see the other thread for that--the little girl is Lucy Cole, the future Lucy Saxon. Other spoilers imply very strongly that she's also Amy's daughter. Neither of these gives any answer for why she can regenerate. So many mysteries... and I think the Moff wants it that way. So, don't stop speculating. -- 02:20, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

Ok I have another thought to throw out there, the first episode we see the silence's TARDIS is "the lodger". Could there be any chance the little girl at the top of the stairs (can you help me please) has anything to do with the little girl in season 6? I will need to watch that episode again tonight to see if there is any resemblance Tooty1967 11:40, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

okay scratch that, she was a hologram 1 of at least three, back to the drawing boardTooty1967 17:52, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

I came to say I told you so! Doctorpenguin 09:51, June 8, 2011 (UTC)

We know who the little girl is now, but that still leaves one obvious question; how did she end up with the Silence? Did the Silence kidnap her from the church, or are the Silence working with them? We know that the Silence were at the children's home for at least two years, and Melody was much older than two in The Impossible Astronaut, so where was she before 1967, how did she end up with the Silence, and what do the Silence want with her?Icecreamdif 15:53, June 12, 2011 (UTC)

The Silence are hardly likely to have kidnapped Amy (albeit the Flesh copy of Amy) in the girl's room, where there was a photo of Amy with the baby, purely by coincidence. Whatever plan the Silence have, it involves both mother and daughter, although Amy's role in it may now be over. Kovarian's plan involves them both, too, although Amy's role in that may also now be over. There has to be a connection between the two plans. Perhaps the two groups are working together. Perhaps they're opposed. Perhaps the Silence simply found out about Kovarian's plan and decided to hijack it (or part of it) for their own purposes. Or perhaps both lots are working for someone else, even if they don't know they are. There's lots we still don't know. -- 18:01, June 12, 2011 (UTC)

The Silence obviously needed Amy for something, since they kidnapped her, but Kovarian probably only needed Amy because she needed to expeiment on her while she was pregnant to make the baby more Timelord, and because she needed bait to lure the Doctor to Demon's Run. Also, keep in mind, the Silence didn't kidnap Amy. They kidnapped her Ganger. Whether they knew it was a Ganger or not is another question, but the Silence didn't do anything to the real Amy. We also don't know that the two plans are related. It's possible that Kovarian took Melody to Earth, the Silence found out about her, kidnapped her, and came up with a completely different plan involving her.Icecreamdif 22:41, June 12, 2011 (UTC)

"Also, keep in mind, the Silence didn't kidnap Amy. They kidnapped her Ganger." Why do you think I said, "kidnapped Amy (albeit the Flesh copy of Amy)"? I was talking about their plans -- what they intended to do. The fact that they may not have managed to do it is irrelevant to that. Anyway, they did get the real Amy's mind. If they wanted to plant instructions or to do something else mental, they may have got all they needed. It's extremely unlikely the plans are wholly unrelated, except that they just happen to involve exactly the same people. If "the Silence found out about her, kidnapped her, and came up with a completely different plan involving her" that's the kind of thing I meant by the Silence "decided to hijack it (or part of it) for their own purposes." To some extent, we may be arguing about terminology, rather than what we actually mean. All of which simply reinforces the point that there's a lot we don't yet know. -- 05:36, June 13, 2011 (UTC)

After River Song shoots at the person that just killed the Doctor (in Impossible Astronaut) she says "No, of course not." If it was a younger version of her then it was good that she didn't kill herself. But then why did she react by shooting at all, shouldn't she have remembered it?

The way she reacts to meeting Rory (in A Good Man Goes to War) it seems like she may not have seen him in a long while. It feels different to the way she has reacted to Amy. So maybe Rory dies, and maybe he is the very good man she kills and is imprisoned for. I doubt that she would be imprisoned for killing the Doctor as a child, she would have been just a pawn at that age. Also, how did Rory get to Stormcage without the Doctor? [unsigned]

I caught that too--River reacts in an interesting way to seeing Rory in A Good Man Goes to War. I think that, in her timeline, that's the first time that River meets [and remembers] Rory. Obviously, she (well, her Flesh) met him as a baby. But she has this tone that suggests she's really saying "You must be Rory," like she's figuring out who he is rather than remembering him. Then, at the end, I think that's a River from a very different part of her timeline, not the one who'd just celebrated her birthday with Stevie Wonder in 1880-whatever. That River has met Amy and Rory as an adult before. 01:53, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Well, it's her birthday and she's drunk. However, here's a bit of speculation: let's assume that Rory is the "good man, best man I've ever known" that she killed and this was the first time she had seen him after she killed him. Just a thought. Boblipton 02:46, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

River probably wasn't in the astronaut suit anymore when it killed the Doctor. She escaped the suit shortly after Amy was kidnapped,so the suit must have eaten someone else. River said she already knew Rory already when he visited Stormcage, though it is possible she was lying. Presumably the Doctor had dropped Rory off at Stormcage, and either left to go pick up other people who owed him debt, or was just still in the TARDIS dealing with Vastra and Strax. Since we now know that Rory is River's father, it is very possible that River would consider him the best man she ever knew, and as the lone centurion he could be considered a hero to many. Of course, that still opens up the question as to what circumstance could possibly make River kill her own father. The River who Rory met with at the beginning was probably from a point in her timeline after the River at the end of the episode. That would explain how she knew that Rory was coming to invite her to Demon's Run, as she would have recognized the Roman outfit, and she couldn't possibly have remembered the Doctor rising higher than ever before and fallin so low from when she was a baby.Icecreamdif 04:59, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

In A Good Man Goes to War, the River that Rory speaks to near the start knows about the Battle of Demon's Run, knows that the Doctor will learn who she is, and knows that she won't arrive until the end. That strongly suggests she's older then than she is when she does arrive at the end of the battle.

In The Impossible Astronaut, there's one possible explanation of River's "No, of course not" that has nothing to do with who's in the suit. She blasts away at the suit with a revolver, not her usual energy pistol. The NASA spacesuits on which the Silence based their construct were designed to protect their inhabitants from, among other things, micrometeoroids. These are dust grains travelling so fast that one has about the same kinetic energy as a rifle bullet. The outer layers of the suit included kevlar, etc. to stop these dust grains. A revolver bullet has far less energy and it's spread over a much larger area. River might simply have realised she was shooting at a bullet-proof target. When Amy later fired at the suit (in 1969), she hit its weak point, the face plate, with the outer visor already raised, so her bullet did penetrate. -- 05:42, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

More evidence that River kills Rory is that after Koravian taunts the Doctor by saying good men have too many rules he retaliates with "Good men don't need rules. Today is not a good day to find out why I have so many" or something to that effect. The only other male present to go to war and survive is Rory.

The Silence hijacking the Time Lady weapon plan is the most likely explanation as the Silence don't seem to be working with Koravain and the possibility they had the same plan is more unlikely than there been two half Time ladies (though Koravain could easily have thought that two Time Ladies against the Dioctor is much better than one).-- 18:57, June 14, 2011 (UTC)