The Brain of Morbius (TV story)

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Mad scientist Mehendri Solon is building a body from spare parts to house the disembodied brain of the evil Time Lord Morbius, and fancies the Doctor's head as the final piece...


Episode One

On a dark, rocky, remote planet, an injured alien crawls from the wreckage of a space capsule. He doesn't get far, as a brutish killer with a hook in place of a hand emerges from behind a rock and raises his knife...

The Doctor emerges from the TARDIS in a rage. He is sure that some external influence, most likely the Time Lords, has caused them to land on this planet, which he recognizes as Karn, a planet not too far from Gallifrey. Resentful at being expected to do the Time Lords' dirty work, the Doctor sulks while Sarah Jane explores, and she discovers a vast plain where lay the wreckages of dozens of spaceships. Before long they finds the decapitated corpse of the alien crash victim.

The hook-handed murderer, Condo, brings the alien's head to his master, Mehendri Solon, who finds it unsuitable for his purposes. The presence of the Doctor and Sarah is observed by a red-robed woman, Ohica of the Sisterhood of Karn. She reports to their High Preistess Maren, who suspects that their arrival must be connected to their Sacred Flame. A product of superheated gas, the Flame produces the Elixir of Life that makes them immortal. However, the Flame has been steadily dying, and without the Elixir they are doomed.

The Doctor and Sarah arrive at Solon's castle. Solon greets them, awkwardly remarking on the Doctor's "magnificent head." He dispatches Condo to bring wine. The Doctor recognizes Solon as a distinguished scientist, and a genius in the field of organ and tissue transplantation before his reputation was destroyed by his rumored connection to the followers of Morbius, which Solon dismisses as professional jealousy. A burst of wind blows open the front door, blowing the cover off a clay bust. The Doctor recognizes the bust as Morbius, a tyrannical Time Lord executed for his crimes, and senses the presence of Morbius's mind before passing out; Solon has drugged the wine. Sarah has not drank, but feigns unconsciousness. Solon urges Condo to prepare, and they carry the Doctor to the lab. Meanwhile, the Sisterhood form a circle of meditation and focus on the TARDIS, which they teleport into their chamber. They identify it as Time Lord technology, and are convinced that the Time Lords are plotting to steal the last of the Elixir of Life.

Solon and Condo go to fetch more lamps for the operation, and while they are away, the Doctor disappears. Returning to find him gone, Solon realizes he's been captured by the Sisterhood, and go to fetch him back. Sarah Jane sneaks into the lab, looking for the Doctor. Opening a curtain she is confronted with a monstrous creature, a patchwork of sewn-together alien body parts, only missing a head...

Episode Two

Sarah secretly follows Solon and Condo to the lair of the Sisterhood. The Doctor awakens and is accused by Maren of conspiring to steal the Elixir. Jealously protecting the last few drops, the Sisterhood have used their collective psychic energy to crash any passing spaceships (which Solon has been scavenging for body parts). His denial isn't believed, and he is sentenced to burn at the stake. During the ceremony, Solon and Condo burst in. Maren, furious at the intrusion, refuses Solon's request to preserve the Doctor's head, as well as refusing to accept Condo in the Doctor's place. They sheepishly exit, and the ceremony continues. Sarah Jane, however, has snuck into the lair and manages to free the Doctor before the flames reach him. A flash of power from Maren's ring, however, blinds Sarah Jane as they escape.

Condo confronts his master about being offered in the Doctor's place. Solon begs for his life, and offers to replace Condo's hook with his real hand. This calms the hulking servant, for the moment. The Doctor brings Sarah Jane to Solon for a consultation. Solon informs the Doctor that the only remedy for her is the Elixir of Life. The Doctor resolves to return to their lair to obtain it. Solon sends Condo with a message to the Sisterhood, again attempting to bargain for the Doctor's head. Solon, in an inner lab, talks to an unseen voice who berates him for the many delays in finishing the body. Solon persuades him for more time, as he now only requires the Doctor's head... As Solon exits, Sarah Jane hears the voice from the inner lab. We see, though she doesn't, that the voice emanates from a disembodied brain, kept alive in a large vat. The brain accuses her of being an agent of the Sisterhood sent to destroy him.

The disembodied brain of Morbius, in the story The Brain of Morbius.

Episode Three

Solon finds Sarah Jane and rushes her out of the lab. From outside the door, she hears Solon address the brain as Morbius, and overhears his plan. Once he has the Doctor's head, he will transplant Morbius's brain into the body of spare parts he is creating, freeing him once more to wage galactic war. She locks Solon in the lab, and stumbles out to find the Doctor. The Doctor is captured and brought to Maren again. He realizes that he's been duped by Solon; Sarah Jane's blindness is only temporary. He persuades Maren to let him examine the Sacred Flame, convinced that there must be a natural reason for the Flame's dwindling. He drops a firecracker down the shaft, which dislodges a buildup of soot, and the Flame is restored to its full height.

Once Condo unlocks the door, Solon dispatches him to retrieve Sarah Jane. When he mentions that the Doctor is also a Time Lord, Morbius is enraged. The Time Lords, he thinks, have tracked him down! Desperate, he convinces Solon to operate immediately, using an artificial brain case in place of the Doctor's head. As Solon prepares to operate, Condo recognizes one of the creature's arms as his own. He attacks Solon, and so doing he knocks over the tank, and Morbius' brain hits the floor with a splat. Enraged, he pulls a gun and shoots Condo several times. He drafts the unwilling Sarah Jane into helping him operate, not knowing the extent of the brain's damage. Solon finds the Doctor's apparently lifeless body left by the Sisterhood, and reflects bitterly on the irony. Meanwhile in the lab, Sarah Jane's eyesight returns as Morbius rises behind her...

Episode Four

The operation hasn't restored Morbius to full consciousness. The result is a savage monster. Solon is attacked, and Sarah Jane is saved only by the wounded Condo's self-sacrifice. The Doctor revives, and convinces Solon that they need to hunt Morbius down. Morbius kills one of the Sisterhood, and with their help, Solon tranquilizes the creature. The Doctor convinces Solon to dismantle the creature, but instead, Solon locks him out of the lab, leaving him free to perfect the operation. The Doctor injects [[cyanide] gas into the lab, killing Solon, but not before Morbius rises again, fully sentient. Morbius confronts the Doctor and explains that he now has the lungs of a birastrop, making him immune to the cyanide. He stating that despite his monstrous appearance, his followers will rise to join him once more. The Doctor challenges Morbius to a mind-bending contest, which short-circuits. Morbius again becomes a hulking monster, and the Doctor is rendered comatose. The Sisterhood corner Morbius and drive him over a cliff, falling to his death. The Doctor's life is restored with the help of the Elixir, produced by Maren's self-sacrifice to the Sacred Flame. The Doctor restores the Sacred Flame and gives Ohica a book of matches in case they have any more trouble with it dying out a second time.




Karn, Sisterhood of Karn, Gallifrey, Solon, Time Lords

Story Notes

  • Some fans have noted that some stories which share similar ideas:
  • Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, in which a scientist attempts to create new life by joining together the organs of a number of deceased bodies.
  • Curt Siodmak's 1942 novel Donovan's Brain, in which a scientist tries to keep the disembodied brain of an evil billionaire alive.


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Location Filming

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Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors

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  • Warmonger covers much of Morbius's reign before he was captured by the Time Lords.
  • The Hoothi, briefly mentioned in this story, play a significantly greater role in the novel, "Love and War."
  • Though it looks the same, it is unclear whether the Mutt seen and killed at the beginning of this story is one of the same creatures seen in "The Mutants."

DVD and Video Releases

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Target Novelisations

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External Links
