Nancy (The Empty Child)

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Revision as of 18:27, 24 December 2011 by Tybort (talk | contribs) (1. An estimate. The Doctor doesn't know himself. 2. He said she was 15 or 16 when she was pregnant.)

Nancy was mother of Jamie, whom she fell pregnant with as a teenager. She lived in London during the London Blitz.


Nancy brought up Jamie as her brother. In 1941, Jamie was killed in an air raid near Limehouse Green Station, but Chula nanogenes partially revived him as the Empty Child, whose virus spread to other humans that were taken to Albion Hospital.

Because of her son's death, Nancy took it upon herself to look after children who had been evacuated during the London Blitz, but had returned as strays, by stealing food from families while they hid in air-raid shelters. Nancy met the Ninth Doctor during one of these meals and warned him about Jamie. She suggested that he should talk to Dr Constantine at Albion Hospital for information. (DW: The Empty Child)

When Nancy told the Child, who kept asking for his mummy that she was his mummy, the nanogenes reprogrammed themselves, returning Jamie and the other infected humans to normal. (DW: The Doctor Dances)