Scooby Doo
Scooby Doo was a popular animated television character introduced in 1969 and featured in many TV series and films (both animated and live action) into the 21st century. Scooby Doo was a talking dog who joined a group off teenage amateur sleuths as they solved mysteries, often with a supernatural connection.
Larry Nightingale, upon visiting Wester Drumlins for the first time, compared the spooky mansion to "Scooby Doo's house". (DW: Blink) The members of Torchwood 3 also cited the character (TW: Meat).
Behind the scenes
The original (and so far only) Voice of Fred Jones, Frank Welker, was considered to voice several aliens in the American series had the 1996 Doctor Who: TV Movie been succesful.
Jon Pertwe was a life long fan of animation, and had a great love for all cartoons, and Scooby Doo (and all the other characters from the franchise, including the unpopular with fans, Scrappy-Doo) was no exception.
Fans often speculate whether or not Fred and Daphney had sexual relations with each other when the cameras were not on them. It's similar to several of the Doctors with certain compains