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Revision as of 20:15, 19 December 2014 by Tybort (talk | contribs) (Adding information. The story's left vague as to whether Jenny's really a Time Lord, but it leans towards him accepting her as his own kind without saying "she is a Time Lord", or "she isn't a Time Lord".)

Gallifreyans were a humanoid species native to the planet Gallifrey. The powerful Time Lords arose from this species, and considered themselves to be the elite of Gallifreyan society. (PROSE: Interference - Book Two)


See Gallifreyan history.

Appearance and biology

Gallifreyans were externally identical in appearance to humans, but had several biological differences internally.

See Gallifreyan physiology

Culture and society

There was always a Lord or Lady President of Gallifrey, with a council of other Time Lords, approving or vetoing decisions. An exception to this was when the Lord President (ignoring the Chancellor) broke two Laws of Time to bring the First, Second and Third Doctor together to solve the problem of the power/life force-drainage into Omega's black hole. (TV: The Three Doctors)

Time Lords and Gallifreyans regarded the Flower of Remembrance as an omen of death. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell)

A quarter of Gallifreyans on their homeworld worshiped the higher Eternals such as Death and Time. (PROSE: Happy Endings)

Gallifreyans and Time Lords

Time Lords may have been just Gallifreyans in possession of a TARDIS. (AUDIO: Omega)

I.M. Foreman stated that Time Lords were a separate species due to Rassilon's intervention. (PROSE: Interference - Book One) The Eleventh Doctor and Vastra said that the Gallifreyans evolved into Time Lords via exposure to the Time Vortex and the Untempered Schism over billions of years. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

At one point in Gallifreyan history, members of Gallifreyan religious orders who were not Time Lords were nonetheless given certain rights: access to time travel, certain genetic privileges, and the right to observe High Council procedure. However, the High Council later disestablished the churches, monasteries and other religious orders, effectively abolishing these rights. (PROSE: Interference - Book Two)

Within the Capitol

Even within the Time Lord sanctum of the Capitol, "plebeian classes" existed. (TV: The Deadly Assassin)

This reference may well indicate the presence of ordinary Gallifreyans, rather than just Time Lords, in the Capitol. In fact, it remains unclear whether particular groups, like the Chancellory Guard belong to the Time Lords or one of the common Gallifreyan classes.

Outsiders and outcasts

Living in the wild lands outside the Capitol, bands of Gallifreyans called Outsiders lived a primitive lifestyle, wearing fur skins and using weapons like bows, arrows and spears for hunting food. (TV: The Invasion of Time)

Within the Capitol, rebels known as Shobogans committed petty acts of vandalism. (TV: The Deadly Assassin)

Non-Gallifreyan Time Lords

There were at least three, or perhaps four, non-Gallifreyan Time Lords. Although Jenny, the Doctor's biological "daughter", was created from his DNA on the planet Messaline and was therefore a Time Lord who did not originate on Gallifrey, she had the biological characteristics of a Gallifreyan, including two hearts and the ability to use bio-energy to revive herself from a bullet wound. The Tenth Doctor claimed that Jenny was merely an echo of himself and that being a Time Lord was "so much more" than that, but as he later admitted to Donna Noble, "when I look at [Jenny] now, I can see them. The hole they left, all the pain that filled it. Just dunno know if I can face that every day." (TV: The Doctor's Daughter) Clara Oswald later referred to the Doctor's "non-Gallifreyan daughter [who was] created via genetic transfer". (TV: Death in Heaven)

Donna Noble, who was originally a human, was the second known "anomalous" Time Lord, and the first to possess non-Gallifreyan DNA. She became a human/Time Lord hybrid after a metacrisis, but her human brain was unable to maintain the knowledge gained by this.

The third anomalous Time Lord, also produced during the metacrisis, was the Meta-Crisis Doctor. This "Doctor" was able to maintain the knowledge of the Doctor, but only had one heart and could not regenerate. (TV: Journey's End)

The fourth was River Song, a human with some Time Lord DNA due to having been conceived inside a TARDIS during flight through the Time Vortex in addition to some genetic engineering by the Silence. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)