Winston Churchill

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Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II.



Churchill met the Doctor and Peri during two periods of his life, first in 1899, when he served as a war correspondent and later in the 1930s. (PDA: Players) The Doctor met with him again in 1944. (PDA: The Shadow in the Glass) At some unknown stage in his life, Momus abducted Churchill from his own time to Belgium in 800 CE. (WC: The Lonely Computer). At another point in his life, when he is losing the war, he uses Daleks against them (DW: Victory of the Daleks ).

Other Timelines

In an alt

ernate timeline in which Germany won World War II, Churchill was executed as a war criminal. (NA: Timewyrm: Exodus)


Behind the Scenes

Winston Churchill is confirmed to be appearing in the Eleventh Doctor serial; Victory of the Daleks

Winston Churchill