Anime was a form of animated entertainment enjoyed on Earth, generally from Japan.
When Chris Cwej and Trofim Alkimovitch were investigating oddities at CERN in 2016, one of the extradimensional culprits they discovered was a cloud of German measles led by a bacterium wearing a grey Prussian uniform with a skirt and revealing pink underwear. Alkimovitch later recounted Cwej saying that "if this was descending toward anime, things could get very sticky." (PROSE: The Weasels and the Warpfield)
After Larles let slip to Linda Meadows that she had met a time sensitive named Yanna, Larles pretended that Yanna was just a character from an anime she liked. (PROSE: The PsyCon Prediction)
Behind the scenes
The Sekimeiya: Spun Glass is an anime-inspired visual novel.