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The European Organisation For Nuclear Research, known as CERN, was, according to the Twelfth Doctor, it was the largest particle physics laboratory on the planet. (TV: Extremis) It was located in Geneva, Switzerland. (AUDIO: Lost Souls)

According to Yasmin Khan, CERN had a massive particle accelerator. (TV: The Tsuranga Conundrum) CERN housed the Large Hadron Collider, which allowed neutron eaters to escape into N-Space and kill humans. Torchwood Three, along with some CERN staff and UNIT's Martha Jones, managed to defeat the neutron eaters and save CERN. (AUDIO: Lost Souls)

Liz Shaw left UNIT to go work for the then-new organisation. (PROSE: Country of the Blind)

In a simulated world, several members of CERN, including Nicolas, chose to commit suicide after reading the Veritas and learning that they were no more than simulacra. This was witnessed by Nardole and Bill Potts, who found themselves there after having stepped through a portal from the Shadow World's projection hub. (TV: Extremis)

The Thirteenth Doctor described an anti-matter drive as "the iPhone version of CERN", due to its capability to produce anti-matter. (TV: The Tsuranga Conundrum)