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Cyber-conversion was the physical and mental re-engineering of Human victims into Cybermen. In an alternate universe, this was referred to as Upgrading.


Cyber-conversion involved the replacement of body parts (including limbs, organs, and vital systems) with artificial components. Partial conversion, with the victim retaining autonomy and a human identity and body parts, was possible. In some cases such incidents of partial conversion occured for a number of factors, such as the body rejecting the conversion process or an individual with a strong will .

Cybermen of Pete's World

The Cybermen of Pete's World, instead of replacing body parts, transplanted living brains into metal exoskeletons sustained in a cradle of chemicals and threaded together by an artificial nervous system. The process was extremely painful and took place in a booth where the subject was surgically mutilated by a robotic machine that used knives, lasers and syringes to remove the brain before encasing it in an empty cybernetic helmet. This was the most efficient way of conversion. They also had an Emotional inhibitor placed within them to suppress their humanity because, as the Tenth Doctor put it;

It's still got a human brain... imagine its reaction if it could see itself. Realise itself inside this thing. They'd go insane....

During the Battle of Canary Wharf, the Cybermen, badly needing reinforcements, quickly converted Humans into Cybermen using a different method insted of just transplanting brains. They encased Humans in cybernetic shells by constructing the suit of armour around their body, as with Lisa Hallett. Hallett would have died if her lover, Ianto Jones, had not managed to retrofit a cyber-conversion unit into life support for her. (TW: Cyberwoman)

It may be that the reason why certain converts with exceptionally strong willpower like Yvonne Hartman could overcome their programming was because this form of conversion was less precise and more rushed.

The Cybermen also employed a very primitive type of conversion in 1851 when they created the cybershades using scrap metal and Victorian technology. They also invented a way of converting humans into command units for Cyber Kings by fitting them with a headset that could take control of their brains.

Inside the Cyberman's helmet. (DW: The Pandorica Opens)

A Cyberman's exo-skeleton from DW: The Pandorica Opens displayed the ability to upgrade Humans without any external machinery, merely needing to restrain the victim while the Cyberman's faceplate splits open at the middle and envelopes the victim's head. The process from here on is unknown, as the only seen victim of this process is Amy Pond, who escaped before the process was completed. This Cyberman seemed to have a similar upgade like that during the Battle of Canary Wharf, due to the fact that the Canary Wharf upgrade involved consealing the body inside the suit, while this Cyberman had a severed head concealed in its helmet.

Named cyber-converted individuals


Cybermen of Pete's World