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Ben Couvin

Ben Couvin
Species: Human
Home Planet: Earth
Actor: Ben Couvin

Ben Couvin was a eighteen years old student in Earth Sciences in Paris in the beginning of the 2010s. He wants to become a doctor in geology and to travel around the whole world.


Born in 1993, Ben has always dreamt about travelling. He went to the United Kingdom four times, and visited London, Oxford, Liverpool and even Bath. Yet he was later attracted by Germany , since he'd been also four times, to Nuremberg, then Berlin, where he thinks he could live. His biggest dream is to do a big journey of the Southern hemisphere.

He is mostly inspired by the Doctor, because he is travelling beyond the limits of imagination, through time and space where the majority of human beings will never be.


When he was a boy, Ben was already fond of space and the stars. He liked Uncle Scrooge a lot because of his incredible adventures. He was quite good at school and got the French baccalauréat with a Mention Bien. Thanks to that, he could go to university Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. He chose first to study physics, but he feared to be bored, and finally chose earth sciences.

Ben and THE DOCTOR[3]

Ben never really met the Doctor , but discovered Doctor Who in 2008, when he first saw Gridlock with David Tennant and Freema Agyeman on France 4 channel. This show was so weird to him, that he liked to look at it sometimes.

Later, in 2010, Ben got more interested in Doctor Who because of the appearance of a new doctor : Matt Smith . Though he always prefered the tenth Doctor, he found the new series very cool. Ben also likes Torchwood.

FIRST geology works

in the limestone quarry

Ben had to do a mémoire about underground quarries and therefore he did go into one under an hospital. Despite minor problems, he, his mates and teachers managed to go out. (G : The Secret Of The Limestone Quarry)

the library

Under the Library (G: The Library Flood)

On March 24th 2010, Ben was brought to the National Library of France (BnF) and investigated in the basement on water circulation with Mathilde Barret and Jeanne Hallier. Once they got out, Mathilde became an official companion to Ben. (G : The Library Flood)

above the gas storage

One week after the visit of the Library, Ben went to a village near Paris called Beynes which was home to a gas storage in subsoil. Ben and Mathilde studied some outcrops, around the drill, and very close to a railway. They didn't find any clue of a devious activity though. (G : The Land Of The Gas)

first trips[4]

back in berlin

After his Baccalauréat, Ben had first decided although not quite sure to go to England. Wandering from a city to another on their feet, following Valentin, Oscar and Simon the blond, his high school buddies. Unfortunately, this trip never happened because they were unprepared for such a journey. But Ben refused not to leave the country after he passed his final exam. So he did improvised, he heard that a friend of his, Soraya Khelfallah, was going to Germany in August 2010 with friends of hers, all girls. Ben enventually went to Berlin a second time with them. Unfortunately for him, none of the girls could speak a word of German, or knew the place. Ben had to do everything, to plan all the trip, and he did not have fun a lot because as an underage, he could not go into Berlin famous clubs. But the worst was that

Ben at Potzdamer Platz

the girls were mostly lesbians, and for Ben, who was gay, they were too different. They didn't understand at each other, and decided, on the final day to leave without a single "goodbye". Nevertheless he was enjoying walking around Berlin again, looking at each street and each park. Berlin makes him happy. He even went to the university there, in order to know if he could, one day, study in Berlin.

visiting julia

A couple of months after he met his boyfriend Raphaël, he did organize a trip to Nuremberg with him, in April 2011 . Their very first trip together had an aim - visiting his friend Julia Luschnat, who left France the year before. In spite of some problems of organization, the trip was very peaceful, and made Raphaël discover Germany. He said afterwards that it all seemed good, except the language. (G : Family First/The Sandstones Of Nuremberg)

in corsica



Ben's parents, Harry and Sylvie, were both journalists. They never got married but had had two children - Ben, and his sister Ambre. Harry and Sylvie split up in 1997 and Sylvie then sued Harry twelve years later in 2009 in order to get back her alimony Harry wasn't giving anymore for three years, because of financial problems. She won, and Harry's family was screwed. Ben's sister Ambre begin after that to dislike her mother, and turned rebel and lonely. Ben has furthermore two half-brothers from his mother side, and a young half-sister from his father side.


Ben has got a lot of scattered friends from different places and with different ages and cultures. He never had one best friend, but he always had good friends. In high school he met Oscar Pouts-Lajus, Simon Gendrot, and Valentin Le Mercier, which he was mostly with during three years. But a misunderstanding, and then a big fight, separated him from Simon Gendrot, and then later Valentin too. Then, he built a friendship with Seda Aksit, who is still in 2011 at university with him, and Justine Ramade.

At university, during his first term, he quickly met Benjamin Lemonnier and Alizée Gratian, who were very friendly to him. During his second term, when he went to the faculty of geology, he didn't see Alizée and Benjamin a lot, but didn't either talk a lot with the students of his new geology class, except when he figured out that Mathilde Barret and him had the same dream to travel all around the world.

Mathilde as Ben's companion in the Library (G: The Library Flood)

He even considered her as a future companion. During this second term, he mostly met old friends again like Oscar, Morjana Mokkedem, Audrey Frazza, and met new, like Jean-Loup Vittu. (G: A Hard Choice)

Friends in other places

During his trip in Liverpool, he met François Marcaillou, who used to live with his parents in Saint-Malo until 2010. He lives now in Rennes. He used to have a girlfriend called Clemence but they split up in later summer 2010. Last time he saw François was when Ben invited him in November 2010 to come in Paris.

In high school in 2009, during a school trip in Nuremberg, he talked for the first time to Julia Luschnat. They quickly became friends. In 2010, she left Paris to live in Nuremberg with his german boyfriend Tim Gradel, but Ben and Julia continued to see at each other. Indeed, Ben came in April 2011 in Nuremberg with his boyfriend to see her. (G: Family First / The Sandstones Of Nuremberg)

Love life

Until 2010, Ben didn't have a relationship and after three missed trials, he fell in love with Raphaël Leiba, a 19 year old boy from Créteil he met in a bar during a TV Jussieu party during November 2010. They're still together in 2011. (G: Family First)


As a student, Ben didn't work a lot, but he's already been on the shooting of a french movie called No et Moi, directed by Zabou Breitman, making some appearances as a crowd artist.


Ben came from a middle-class parisian family and has never been in the need. He is full of will, bravery and honesty, but he can sometimes be very spiteful and scornful in front of people who made fun of him in the past. He depends a lot of his friends, but he can easily get rid of them if it's necessary. He has always been happy and lucky in his epicurial life in which he has not always had good moments, especially during family crises he went through. According to him, to runaway on his own is a good solution, but his friends and family will often tell him it isn't.

List of appearances

  • The Secret Of The Limestone Quarry (introducing)
  • The Library Flood
  • The Land Of The Gas
  • Family First/The Sandstones Of Nuremberg
  • On The Same Side
  • Lost Trust
  • A Hard Choice
  • When Time's Come To Scatter
  • Hidden In The Crowd
  • The Bay
  • The Unlucky Trekker
  • The Survival
  • Shore Of Desolation
  • Flamme Rouge
  • The Lost Village