Donna's World is a rewritten version of the official timeline created when Donna Noble turned right instead of left while deciding which of two different job interviews to attend. It is not actually a parallel world since the walls between realities were sealed in Doomsday. This was made explicit by the production team.
- This name is conjectural is not is actually used by any of the characters.
While on Shan Shen, Donna Noble was unknowingly fitted with a time beetle, part of the Trickster's Brigade. A fortune teller selected a point in her life where making seemingly random choice had enormous ramifications.
In June 2007 Donna had to make a choice between two jobs. The moment she chose between the jobs was at a junction. Her agency had offered her a contract with H.C. Clements, which while temporary, was posh and in the centre of London, which Donna enjoyed. Her mother, Sylvia Noble, had managed to get her another job opportunity to become the personal secretary of Jival Chowdry, owner of a photocopying business. Although this would be a permanent job, Donna found it less interesting.
While driving and in discussing the dilemma, Sylvia pressured her into "turning right" to stop by Jival Chowdry for a chat. While in the regular timeline Donna ignored her mother and turned left, in this timeline she turned right, resulting in her taking the PA job.
Alternate Timeline
25 December 2007 - During the Racnoss crisis at Christmas 2007. Just as in the main timeline the Webstar was destroyed. However, the Doctor did not survive his encounter with the Empress of the Racnoss. UNIT recovered the body, declaring him dead, and speculating he died too fast to regenerate.
Donna witnessed the recovery, and met Rose Tyler for the first time. At this point, Rose was not aware of Donna's importance. Some time after this UNIT recovered the TARDIS from the Thames.
- In the main timeline, Donna met the Doctor due to working at H.C. Clements which turned out to be a conspiracy of the Empress of the Racnoss. Donna's help saved the Doctor's life in that timeline. (DW: The Runaway Bride).
April 2008 - By this time the Thames was still closed off due to the Racnoss incident. This made business very hard for Jival Chowdry's company and she is sacked from her post as his personal assistant.
At the same time, the Judoon H2O Scooped the Royal Hope Hospital to the Moon. All patients and staff present the hospital died of oxygen starvation, with the exeption of Oliver Morgenstern, who was passed the last oxygen cylinder by Martha Jones. Martha herself died, as did Sarah Jane Smith, who was investigating strange occurences in the hospital. Sarah Jane's companions, Luke Smith, Maria Jackson and Clyde Langer were also assumed dead. It is assumed that it was them, not the Doctor, that prevented the Plasmavore from destroying half the Earth, but died in the attempt.
During the evening of this day, Donna again met Rose Tyler. During this encounter she started to suspect that Donna might have some importance, and warned her to leave London for the far-off Christmas holidays.
- In the original timeline, the Doctor (under the alias Mr Smith) investigated the hospital instead of Sarah Jane Smith, and saved all the people by finding the Plasmavore culprit in time. He took on Martha Jones as a companion. (DW: Smith and Jones)
- The Master's reappearance (DW: The Sound of Drums) presumably never happened, as the Doctor, Martha and Captain Jack Harkness never went to Malcassairo in the year, 100,000,000,000,000; to remind Professor Yana that he was the Master, as they did in the main timeline. This means that Mr Saxon's regime could never have started, so in this reality, the Master was still alive but he was yet to know of his true identity - if he ever did. It is unknown what happened to Dr Richard Lazarus's experiment but Mr Saxon said he financed Lazarus. (DW: The Lazarus Experiment)
25 December 2008 - Donna and her family are out of the city, as they have won a Christmas holiday. A Titanic replica crashes into Buckingham Palace, destroying the entire city of London, and flooding the lower half of England with radiation.
In the weeks thereafter, an emergency government was set up and seven million people were evacuated to cities such as Leeds and Glasgow. People in these places were evicted for small reasons such as missing a single mortgage repayment, to make up for the lack of housing. The Nobles are moved into a house in Leeds. Refugees lived with several families cramped together in these houses and had no voting rights. Sylvia noted that it was as if they didn't exist.
- The regular timeline had the disaster closely averted by the Doctor (DW: Voyage of the Damned). While the city was nearly abandoned in the regular timeline, this seems to not have been the case in the alternate timeline.
America promised 50 billion pounds in financially help for Britain, however this fell trough when the Adipose chose America for their birthing program, and sixty million Americans across the country were fully transformed into fat.
- In the regular timeline the Adipose chose the United Kingdom for their scheme, but were stopped by the Doctor and Donna before their plan could be put into full swing, as shown in (DW Partners in Crime). Supposedly the change of location was the result of the crisis in Southern England.
As Britain is in such an unstable situation and other countries have closed their borders-- so deportation is out of the question-- they start sending "immigrants" to Labour camps. The Nobles lived with one of the families getting sent away. Wilf, who served during World War II, is in horror. Seeing parallels between this and the Nazi regime which caused the Holocaust, saying that it had the same reasoning as "the last time".
2009 - The Sontarans invaded the Earth. Due to the crisis, the United Kingdom is hit less by the ATMOS gases than other nations such as China because of they had less cars. Torchwood 3 successfully tries to stop them. However, Gwen Williams and Ianto Jones sacrificed their lives in the process. Captain Jack Harkness is shipped of to Sontar. Presumably Torchwood, at least the Cardiff branch, has now disbanded.
Rose Tyler met with Donna Noble again, this time apparently aware of her importance, and working with UNIT. Rose remarked to Donna that they were the last ones left.
- The Sontaran Invasion of Earth was, in the original timeline, stopped by the Doctor with the help of UNIT, Martha Jones and Donna Noble. The Doctor managed to clear the atmosphere from ATMOS much the same way. (DW: The Sontaran Experiment / The Poison Sky)
UNIT and Rose Tyler sent Donna back to the time where the worlds split. To make her past self turn left, she headed from her landing location to the road where her past self was in her car. Running out of time, Donna jumped out in front of a lorry. Although she died, a traffic jam quickly blocked the route right from the past Donna, so the past Donna chose to turn left. (DW: Turn Left)