Rag, Nag and Ok, a.ka. Gods of Ragnarok were three evil beings who made sentient beings die for their entertainment.
The Gods were orginally Old Ones were from the time before the creation of the Universe. They possessed the ability to exist in multiple times and dimensions simultaneously. (NA: All-Consuming Fire)
They created the Land of Fiction as a diversion but grew bored and abandoned it. (NA: Conundrum) They existed for a time on the planet Segonax where they took over the Psychic Circus and appeared as a man, a woman and a little girl in the audience. Here they amused themselves by making performers die as they watched. The Doctor traveled into their realm and, using an amulet, reflected their own power against them. The stone forms of the gods broke apart and the Psychic Circus exploded, breaking the Gods' link with the normal universe. (DW: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)