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Put simply, the page that starts with User: and ends with your name is your user page. For example, TimeLadyKatie's user page is User:TimeLadyKatie.
Put in precise technical language, user pages are all the pages found in namespace 2. This means they are not just the base page, but all subpages, as well. So Rob T Firefly's user pages are:
- User:Rob T Firefly
- User:Rob T Firefly/monobook.css
- User:Rob T Firefly/sandbox
- User:Rob T Firefly/wikia.css
- User:Rob T Firefly/sig
User pages are a good way to tell people about your editing skills and interests, but you should limit the personal information you convey on them. Some things flatly aren't allowed on them.
We also strongly discourage users from working primarily on their user pages. If we find that you are spending most of your time at Tardis editing your user page(s), we'll ask you to start editing the rest of the wiki. If you don't, we may, in extreme cases, prevent you from editing here further. That's because this wiki is not your free web host.
Neither is Tardis a place for fan fiction. If you want a place to keep your Doctor Who fan fiction here at Wikia, we recommend you go to the Doctor Who Fanon Wiki.