The Victorian era was a time period in the United Kingdom during Queen Victoria's reign. It lasted from 1837 to 1901. It was followed by the Edwardian era, the reign of Victoria's son and successor.
The Torchwood Institute was founded by Queen Victoria during this era. (TV: Tooth and Claw) The Doctor's mother was also born in this era. (PROSE: The Room With No Doors)
The Fifth Doctor spent a year in Victorian London from November 1866 to November 1867 while waiting for the TARDIS. He lived in a house at 107 Baker Street, went by the alias "Doctor Walters" and had an assistant, scientist Robert McIntosh. (AUDIO: The Haunting of Thomas Brewster)
The 51st century war criminal Magnus Greel fled to the Victorian era using a time cabinet. There, he was assisted by Li H'sen Chang in establishing a base beneath the Palace Theatre in London. He was eventually exposed by the Fourth Doctor and Leela, aided by theatre owner Henry Gordon Jago and pathologist George Litefoot. (TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang) Jago and Litefoot later had several adventures on their own in this era. (PROSE: The Bodysnatchers, AUDIO: The Mahogany Murderers, Jago and Litefoot' series)
The Fourth Doctor considered the aroma of Victorian England to be "bracing." However, Romana described it as being "rancid." He later told Jago and Litefoot that he loved the Victorian era. (AUDIO: The Justice of Jalxar)
After seeing seven chair legs in the attic of 10 Downing Street in July 1900, Vicki Pallister wondered if there were wooden androids in Victorian London. However, she did not ask the Doctor if this was the case as she thought that it was probably something that she was supposed to already know. (AUDIO: Upstairs)
The Eleventh Doctor, after the loss of former companions Amelia Pond and Rory Williams, retired in Victorian age London for a period of time before meeting an echo of Clara Oswald. (TV: The Snowmen)