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Dalek Fleet

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The Dalek Fleet, also known as the Dalek Imperial Fleet when controlled by the Emperor, was the massive fleet of flying saucers and battlecruisers used by the Daleks.


Great War

Thousand Dalek Saucers were part of the invasion fleet the Daleks planned to use to wipe out the Solar System. They were destroyed by the Time Destructor. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan, PROSE: The Mutation of Time)

During the course of the Daleks' Great War, Thal forces destroyed 200 Dalek saucers in Sector Seven, and the Draconians destroyed half of the Dalek fleet along the Draconian frontier. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks )

Second Dalek War

The Dalek fleet during the Second Dalek War consisted of the ultimate flagship, an Exterminator-class vessel by the name of the Exterminator under the command of the Dalek Inquisitor General. The Tenth Doctor was accidentally taken back to the war by the TARDIS and helped to destroy the Exterminator and its provisions. The loss of such a powerful ship put a massive dent in the Dalek war machine and their fleet was pushed right back by the Earth Empire. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks)

Dalek-Movellan War

During the Dalek-Movellan War, hundreds of Battlecruisers flew with Movellan Battlecruisers without a single shot being fired because of both sides having reached a logical impasse. (TV: Destiny of the Daleks)

Time Vortex

The Daleks launched over a thousand Dalek Saucers into the Time Vortex; these forces were stopped by the Eighth Doctor, who left them trapped in the vortex. (AUDIO: The Time of the Daleks) The Time Lords later made a deal with the Daleks that allowed them to leave the Time Vortex. (AUDIO: Neverland)

Last Great Time War

Under the rule of the Dalek Emperor, the Dalek Imperial Fleet engaged the Time Lords in the Last Great Time War. Before burning in the Doctor's inferno, the fleet was made up of 10 million ships. (TV: Dalek) Many Dalek saucers were seen crashed on Gallifrey during the final day of the Time War. (TV: The End of Time) By the end of the war, the Dalek fleet surrounded Gallifrey and were firing at it constantly. When "all thriteen" Doctors saved Gallifrey and placed it in a pocket universe, its sudden disappearance resulted in the Dalek fleet firing on each other and destroying themselves in their own crossfire. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

Post-Time War

When the Emperor rebuilt the Daleks out of humans by the year 200,100, the fleet was comprised of 200 flying saucers with an estimated 2000 Daleks on board each one. The fleet proceeded to bombard the surface of the Earth which changed the shape of entire continents. The fleet was, however, along with all the Daleks, turned into atoms by the Bad Wolf entity within Rose Tyler. (TV: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways)

Having recreated the Dalek race into the New Dalek Empire by 2009, Davros, like the Emperor, constructed 200 flying saucers that took part in 2009 Dalek invasion of Earth. Having no planetary base, the fleet's command served as the Crucible space station. This fleet was destroyed when the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor maximised and blasted back the dalekanium power feeds of the Daleks; this caused the Daleks to explode and the fleet, including the Crucible, either exploded as a result of this, or was also linked to the Dalekanium power feeds and exploded independently. (TV: The Stolen Earth/ Journey's End)

New Dalek Paradigm

One saucer from War in the Medusa Cascade survived and fell through time to the Second World War. The Daleks on-board found a Progenitor device and were able to use it to restore the Dalek race. The new Daleks escaped in the saucer to rebuild. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

A fleet of Dalek saucers were used during an attack on Earth's top secret Station 7 when searching for an experimentation on Dalek nature to make them less aggressive. The fleet was destroyed on the planet below the station by a deliberate eruption planned by the Eleventh Doctor and allies. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek)

At Stonehenge, while scanning for ships, the Eleventh Doctor found Dalek ships in orbit and, thinking it was only the Daleks, stated that a Dalek fleet would have a minimum of 12,000 ships armed to the teeth. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)

A fleet of Dalek saucers waited above Earth in 2106 when the New Dalek Paradigm invaded London using a piece of the Eternity Clock. The fleet was lead by a Dalek Flagship owned by the Dalek Emperor. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

The Parliament of the Daleks commanded a Dalek fleet. The Prime Minister of the Daleks ordered the abduction of the Eleventh Doctor and his companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams, summoning them to the Parliament of the Daleks and granting them a mission to lower the indestructible force field of the Dalek Asylum. Once this had been achieved by Oswin Oswald (a human-turned-Dalek), the Dalek fleet bombarded and successfully destroyed the entire planet. But just beforehand, Oswin erased all information about the Doctor from the pathweb (memory) of the New Dalek Paradigm. The members of the Parliament were therefore unable to recognise him when the Doctor teleported onto the Parliament's ship, and they repeatedly asked the First Question: "Doctor Who?". (TV :Asylum of the Daleks)

The Dalek fleet besieged Trenzalore during the centuries-long Siege of Trenzalore along with many different races. Eventually only the Daleks were left, but all but one ship of their fleet had apparently either retreated or been destroyed. This last saucer was destroyed by the Doctor with his regeneration energy along with all the Daleks on the planet. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

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