Great War (The Evil of the Daleks)

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The Great War was the name used by the Daleks to identify a series of galactic conflicts fought after the year 4000 which nearly resulted in the extinction of the Dalek race. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks)

One historical account named it part of the Dalek Wars. (PROSE: The Whoniverse) As the Daleks had access to time travel, (TV: The Chase, et. al) the Second Great Dalek Occupation launched by the Dalek Empire later in their history (AUDIO: Return of the Daleks) was contemporaneous with the Great War's earlier stages. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks)

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Origin[[edit] | [edit source]]

Dalek expansion[[edit] | [edit source]]

Following their failed invasion of Earth in the 22nd century, (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth) the Daleks wanted revenge on the Doctor for his part their defeat. An assassination squad was sent from Skaro in a Dalek time machine to hunt down the TARDIS and eliminate the Doctor. Not only did the mission fail but the squad also ended up using all the Dalek Empire's supplies of taranium, which the time machine was powered by. The time machine was ultimately stolen and destroyed by Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, (TV: The Chase, PROSE: The Chase) crippling the Daleks' time researches. (PROSE: Mission to the Unknown)

A subsequent invasion of Earth space (COMIC: Invasion of the Daleks) during the 25th century, (PROSE: Break-through!) was also defeated, (COMIC: Battle for the Moon) as was a more minor follow-up invasion, (COMIC: Masters of the World) in the 27th century. The latter invasion, however, at least allowed the Daleks to rearm and undo much of the damaged caused by collapse of the former invasion. (COMIC: The Mechanical Planet)

During another invasion, on Entropica, the Dalek Prime, then designated Genetic Variant Two-One-Zero, entered into an uneasy alliance with the Doctor's companion Steven Taylor in order to escape the planet Shade, infested by Chaons. After returning to Skaro, Two-One-Zero became the Emperor. The Emperor had been intrigued by Steven's actions and resolved to study the Human Factor. (AUDIO: Across the Darkened City)

In the hopes of launching stronger invasions than their previous attempts, the Daleks tried to resume their time travel research. They gradually rebuilt their taranium supplies but only acquired enough to power their time machines, (PROSE: The Mutation of Time) though these were not always reliable. A later attempt by the Daleks to invade Earth in 2415 via time travel ended disastrously when the Emperor's time machine proved faulty and flew off course, leaving the rest of the invasion force leaderless. (COMIC: The Secret of the Emperor)

According to Gordon Lowery, Daleks eventually disappeared from human space in the early 31st century, after an invasion of Earth. Although they stayed clear of human space in the years that followed, the Dalek Empire began a rapid expansion process at the start of the 36th century. In 500 years, they gained control of over 70 planets in the Ninth Galactic System and 40 more in the Constellation of Miros. (TV: Mission to the Unknown)

The SSS war[[edit] | [edit source]]

In the early 40th century, the Daleks returned to human space and slaughtered a garrison on Alpha Millennia. Six months later, a Dalek ship was sighted near Mars before vanishing again for 70 years. (AUDIO: The Destroyers)

The Daleks themselves continued plotting an invasion of the solar system, occupying the small uninhabited worlds of Phergo, Dizmus and Lagum for use as launchpads in future invasions of larger planets. Detecting the Dalek build-up, leaders from Earth, Mars, Venus and Uranus (the "Big Four") called an emergency meeting which lasted 16 hours, during which an immediate attack on Skaro was suggested but quickly rejected. The meeting instead resulted in the creation of the top-secret Space Security Service. (PROSE: The Outlaw Planet)

In the following weeks, (PROSE: The Outlaw Planet) Sara Kingdom first encountered the Daleks (AUDIO: The Guardian of the Solar System) when she, Mark Seven and Jason Corey went in search of her brother, David Kingdom, after the Daleks launched an attack on the Space Exploration Team compound on M5. The SSS agents discovered the Daleks' plan to attack Earth again but the Daleks escaped into hiding again, and David was never found. (AUDIO: The Destroyers)

SSS spies were posted to Dalek-controlled planets, including Skaro, but it was six weeks after its foundation that the SSS received its first official call to action when Compuvac anticipated an impending Dalek attack, although its target was unknown. To delay the invasion, Sara was sent to divert the Daleks' attention to the barren planet of Barzilla. Sara's disinformation spread to Dalek spies, and the Daleks invaded the planet in search of non-existent mineral wealth. They instead fell into an SSS ambush and the entire force was destroyed. (PROSE: The Outlaw Planet)

Later, Sara was sent on a mission to rescue Professor Lomberg from Dalek-controlled Vara, before they could create a new non-corrosive metal for their casings based on Lomberg's formula. The metal works, attended by the Daleks' humanoid slaves, was destroyed when Sara and Lomberg tampered with the formula, further delaying the Daleks' ability to invade. (COMIC: Sara Kingdom: Space Security Agent)

In the face of continued defeat, the Dalek Emperor's authority was directly challenged by the Commander of the Red Extra-Galactic Squadron, who demanded more effective leadership. The Emperor had the entire Squadron obliterated for insubordination, but privately it considered that the Commander was right. Dalek Scientists were instructed to rebuild the Emperor's casing in an effort to iron out much of the imperfections that had allowed previous mistakes to happen. (COMIC: The Secret of the Emperor)

The Emperor's rebuilt casing came with telepathic abilities, allowing the Emperor to read the minds of the scientists responsible for Earth's defensive systems. Earth subsequently suffered surprise attacks on missile bases, spaceship launching ramps, radar tracking stations and arms dumps, all of which were hidden in top-secret locations. Fearing the work of a spy, the scientists contacted the SSS.

The successes emboldened the Emperor enough to lead a Dalek force to invade Earth itself, but Sara confirmed that the SSS knew that the Emperor had been rebuilt. Professor Dodds devised a "Cloud Machine" to interfere with the Dalek instruments. Its success gave the SSS an chance to launch a preemptive strike against the Daleks which drove the fleet into retreat, although the victorious SSS knew they would yet return. (COMIC: The Brain Tappers)

The Galactic Council[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Galactic Council

Although the SSS continued to keep the Daleks at bay, (PROSE: The Outlaw Planet, COMIC: Sara Kingdom: Space Security Agent, The Brain Tappers) their ability to do so was later hampered by a corruption which spread through their own leadership, with the traitor Mavic Chen at the very top. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)

In 3950, the same year he succeeded Amazonia as Guardian of the Solar System, (PROSE: Legacy, AUDIO: Neverland) Chen commenced a 50-year mining operation on Uranus to acquire an emm of taranium, (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan) intending to replace the Great Clock as a means of protecting the influence of Earth's empire. A future Sara Kingdom, having travelled back in time with the First Doctor, destroyed the Clock in 3999. Chen thus formed an alliance with the Daleks as part of another plan to protect Earth, (AUDIO: The Guardian of the Solar System) privately intending to betray them once his ambitions were achieved. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)

The Daleks address the Galactic Council. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)

Chen and his underling, SSS Security Chief Karlton, became the newest members of the Daleks' Galactic Council, an alliance of several rulers of the Outer Galaxies all contributing resources to the war force. Led by the Black Dalek Leader, as Dalek Supreme, their members included Malpha, Beaus, Gearon, Sentreal, Trantis, Warrien, Celation and Zephon, master of the Fifth Galaxy. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan) Their plot remained secret, with planning proceeding on Kembel, a hugely hostile planet which most travellers from civilised systems tended to avoid. (TV: Mission to the Unknown)

Although SSS agents like Sara knew that the Daleks were active and planning to invade the Earth, the agency and its records on recent Dalek activity were subordinate to Chen and Karlton. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan, AUDIO: The Guardian of the Solar System) SSS efforts were later diverted to fight against the Sontarans in the Sulgrave Asteroid Belt. (AUDIO: The Sontarans) Earth forces had no idea they were threatened by an impending Dalek attack, let alone one assisted by Chen and Karlton, right up until the attack was due to commence. (PROSE: The Mutation of Time)

In 3975, a non-aggression pact was signed, bringing about a period of peace and prosperity in the galaxy. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan) Yet, in 3984, the Seventh Doctor told Bernice Summerfield that a "massive Dalek war" was to start in "about thirty years time". (PROSE: Legacy) The peace lasted 25 years until the Daleks put their plans to strike at Solar System from Kembel into action. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)

Attempted invasion of the Solar System[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Time Destructor Incident

In 4000, the Daleks were at last sighted again in human space. The captain of a space freighter reported a brief sighting of a space vessel which the SSS identified as a Dalek spaceship. Marc Cory, with Gordon Lowery and Jeff Garvey, set off for Kembel, where Cory had a hunch the Daleks were operating. Cory uncovered the existence of the Great Alliance during its first meeting but all three men were killed by Dalek patrols and Varga plants. Before his death, Cory recorded a message intended to warn Earth of the alliance and the impending attack. (TV: Mission to the Unknown)

Six months later the SSS sent Bret Vyon and Kert Gantry to search for Cory on Kembel as the Council reconvened, with Chen attending for the first time and providing the alliance with his taranium. With the help of the First Doctor, they discovered the Daleks' plans to use the taranium to power a doomsday weapon called the Time Destructor which could destroy all the planets in the Solar System. The Doctor stole the taranium, leading Chen and the Daleks to pursue him both across the galaxy and through time until it was recovered in ancient Egypt, (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan) although the Red Dalek Leader in charge of the time machine was destroyed by the Egyptians who bombarded it with rocks. Yet this would be a small price to pay for the Daleks if their plans succeeded. (PROSE: The Mutation of Time)

Mission for the taranium core. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)

Once the Daleks returned the taranium core to Kembel, they broke off the alliance, imprisoning the members of the Council who were still alive. The Doctor, Steven Taylor and Sara Kingdom followed them back to Kembel and freed the surviving delegates, who fled back home to warn their civilisations and others of the Dalek attack, save for Chen who was convinced the Daleks were still his allies, but he was later killed by them. As the Daleks made their final preparations, the Doctor managed to get hold of the Time Destructor with the core in place and activated it, wiping out everything on Kembel, including the Dalek invasion force. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan)

This was a huge disaster for the Dalek Empire, as the Dalek Prime considered the fleet and the Black Dalek Leader irreplaceable. (PROSE: The Mutation of Time) However, the Black Dalek survived, though badly damaged and in critical condition. Recovered by attendants, it eventually returned to Skaro. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) Other less fortunate Dalek survivors were driven mad by their encounter with the Doctor. They were placed in intensive care in the Dalek Asylum. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

Back on Earth, Karlton was awaiting word from Chen and for the Dalek invasion to begin, and he was concerned when this did not come to pass. He was then arrested by Senator Diksen and placed on trial for high treason with the sentence being execution. Chen and Karlton's parts in the attempted invasion had been exposed by Cory's recording which had been found on the body of Bret Vyon. SSS agents also set off for Kembel to arrest Chen, unaware of his fate or the planet's destruction. (PROSE: The Mutation of Time)

The wars[[edit] | [edit source]]

Outbreak[[edit] | [edit source]]

With the Dalek plans exposed, the Great War began as several powers retaliated by declaring war on the Dalek Empire over the course of the following millennium, which was exactly what the Daleks had sought to prevent by cutting out the heart of human space. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks)

The Tenth Doctor dated the "old saying" "never turn your back on a dead Dalek" to "about 4000". (PROSE: I Am a Dalek)

Earth accumulated a number of allies to help aid in the fight against the Daleks, including former members of the Daleks' Great Alliance, who turned against the Daleks after their betrayal. Despite their initial setback, the Daleks committed to an attack even without the Time Destructor. (PROSE: The Whoniverse) Fighting began around the 4010s, (PROSE: Legacy) and grew to span galaxies, though Earth and its allies were initially able to keep the Daleks at bay. (PROSE: The Whoniverse)

One of the earliest shots fired in the wars was a minor victory by Space Security Agent Dryn Faber a very short time after the Kembel incident, when he successfully destroyed a Dalek drilling rig on the water planet of Antalin, costing the Daleks valuable minerals and chemicals they were in the process of mining. Faber was driven by the desire to avenge Cory's death, as they had been friends before the events on Kembel. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

The Galactic Federation was quickly torn apart by the Dalek invasion, falling apart in the 4010s and forced to re-evaluate itself in the aftermath. King Tarrol of Peladon had previously severed his planet's ties with the Federation, and so it was spared from an attack, (PROSE: Legacy) though the ties were reasserted around 4035. (AUDIO: The Bride of Peladon)

In the 41st century Merrick Kingdom, Sara’s father, served in a Dalek War. He was part of a landing party on Skaro, where he collected samples of Varga plants. Whilst he was serving on the SSS council, they received intelligence about a coming Dalek attack on the planet where his daughter Lena lived. To keep the source of the intelligence secret, the council decided not to act leading to the Daleks wiping out everyone on the planet. (AUDIO: The House of Kingdom)

Account of the war in universal history[[edit] | [edit source]]

According to one historical account, the Daleks were able to penetrate the solar system, and attacked Mars and Venus, (PROSE: The Whoniverse) two of the original targets of the Great Alliance. (TV: Mission to the Unknown) The attack of Venus was thrown back by a fleet of rockets from Hyperon which were resistant to their fire power. (PROSE: The Whoniverse) The Fourth Doctor told Davros this took place in Space Year 17,000. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks)

The attack on Mars was defeated by a virus that attacked the insulation on cables in their electrical systems, (PROSE: The Whoniverse) which another account related to an earlier invasion of Mars contemporary to the 2150s Dalek invasion of Earth. (PROSE: GodEngine) The virus may have been related to the Movellan virus, although it affected them different, and the Daleks eventually discovered an antidote. The twin defeats drove the Daleks back from the solar system, but the war continued elsewhere in the galaxy. (PROSE: The Whoniverse)

Smaller theatres opened in Earth's outlying colonies and dominions, while resistance movements emerged on the Frontier Worlds. The same source claimed that the war against the Combined Galactic Resistance constituted another theatre of the conflict. (PROSE: The Whoniverse) However, the Daleks involved in this conflict seemed to come from a later period of their history. (TV: Into the Dalek)

Period of respite[[edit] | [edit source]]

After decades of fighting, the war "did not so much end as peter out", but most of Earth's colonies remained secure and humanity was granted a period of respite in which to recover until the Daleks returned. (PROSE: The Whoniverse) During this lull, Major McLinn of the SSS still believed a Dalek incursion could take place any day. (AUDIO: The Trojan Dalek)

Exxilon Gambit[[edit] | [edit source]]
A Dalek is destroyed by the native Exxilons. (TV: Death to the Daleks)
Main article: Exxilon Gambit

One account attributed the Dalek Plague and the the Exxilon Gambit to this time period, (PROSE: The Whoniverse) though another claimed the plague and Gambit took place much earlier during the time of the Third Dalek War. (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters) A third historical account of Dalek history noted the difficulty in condensing the events into a precise chronology, given the Dalek possession of time travel technology. (AUDIO: The Dalek Conquests) The Gambit itself saw the Daleks mount an expedition to Exxilon to claim the supply of Parrinium, a rare element that was vital to curing the virus, at the same time of as a group from the Marine Space Corps. Both factions suffered from a power drain caused by a beacon on the Great City of the Exxilons, so the Daleks innovated with more basic weaponry to force the native Exxilons to help mine parrinium and had marine prisoners place explosives on the beacon to enable their ship to depart. The prisoner however retained one explosive and detonated it aboard the Dalek ship after takeoff. (TV: Death to the Daleks)

Some years after the Exxilon Gambit, the Daleks launched a second expedition to Exxilon following a mutation of the space plague, producing a second wave was capable of penetrating Dalek force fields and infecting them as well. The Daleks contacted the Exxilon Gislen, an opponent of Bellal who was current leader of the Exxilons and an ally of humanity, and manipulated him into constructing another beacon on the City's ruins. The renewed power drainage disrupted the Marine Space Corps' mining operations before the Marines destroyed it, but the delay allowed the Daleks to catch up with the Earth fleet in a bid to capture the parrinium for themselves. When their sleeper agent, the android Mark Seven, resisted their control and threatened to destroy both fleets, the Daleks ultimately retreated. (AUDIO: The Dalek Protocol) The Dalek programming was subsequently removed from Mark and he continued his service with the SSS. (AUDIO: Buying Time)

SSS projects[[edit] | [edit source]]

During the lull in direct conflict with the Daleks, the SSS began a project to weaponise Varga plant venom for potential use against Ogrons or Robomen, using samples Merrick Kingdom had collected from Skaro. The SSS eventually discontinued the project, however Merrick and Abigail Crane continued it in secret. (AUDIO: The House of Kingdom)

During this time period, the Tenth Doctor was inadvertently pulled back from the post-Time War universe as a side effect of the Nun’s meddling with George Sheldrake’s time tunnels. He attempted to use the SSS’ time machine to return to his timeline, (AUDIO: The Wrong Woman) however a Dalek sent from the future time period of the Dalek-Movellan War intercepted its time bubble and attempted to exterminate Mark Seven who was beside the Doctor, (AUDIO: The Triumph of Davros) causing the machine to be destroyed and stranding the Doctor. (AUDIO: The Wrong Woman) He began seeking the time machine’s missing inventor, Arborecc, with SSS agents Anya Kingdom and Mark Seven, and they became embroiled in a test of Merrick and Abigail’s Varga weapons at a spaceport. Merrick arranged for them to be brought to his home on Neptune where they discovered his scheme. (AUDIO: The House of Kingdom)

The Doctor, Anya and Mark eventually traced Arborecc to Beltros Station where they discovered his involvement in another SSS project to defend against the Daleks; Major McLinn’s plan to mutate wounded soldiers into fake Daleks to deceive the enemy. Appalled the Doctor sabotaged the time engine necessary for the mutations and turned the fake Daleks against the Major, leading to them initiating the station’s self-destruct to prevent anyone else suffering their fates. (AUDIO: The Trojan Dalek)

Continued fighting[[edit] | [edit source]]

New invasion of the galaxy[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Daleks engaged against the Combined Galactic Resistance. (TV: Into the Dalek)
Main article: Dalek invasion of the galaxy

According to human historians in the Post-Time War universe, following the events on Exxilon the Dalek Supreme Council decided that the time for discretion had ended as the galaxy was still reeling from the space plague and any further delay would give them time to recover. An invasion of the galaxy was launched and only the continued preparedness of the Combined Galactic Resistance kept them from overrunning the whole of inhabited space in the first assault.

The once great empire of Draconia splintered and fell before the Dalek onslaught. Humanity endured, but every day more ground was given and more worlds fell to the Daleks. Historians believed the Good Dalek Incident occurred during this time, (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) in which the Twelfth Doctor helped the Resistance turn a single Dalek, named Rusty, against his kind. (TV: Into the Dalek) Rusty would continue to fight against Daleks for millions of years. (TV: Twice Upon a Time)

The Rise of the Daleks by Exissa Canoomidid detailed a battle between a lost Dalek scout party and giant rock creatures in the Temple of Haskavarr, taking place in the strategically important Canis Major Dwarf galaxy in the year 4203. (PROSE: The Temple of Haskavarr)

The Wars at the Ends of the Worlds by R K Datoo detailed the Dalek attack on Graelliscy, which had been a human colony since the 45th century. The Daleks attacked in 4826 during their "unending march through the universe." Initially the attack was repelled but after retreating and reassessing the situation, the Daleks attacked again. After their victory, they proceeded to massacre every human on the planet. (PROSE: Floating Fortress)

Decline of the Daleks[[edit] | [edit source]]

As the Great War continued, the Daleks were overwhelmed. Many of the events that occurred over the centuries, particularly towards the end, were massive Dalek defeats as they were driven back on all fronts:

Leading the war from Skaro, the Emperor grew more and more desperate as the Daleks lost ground. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks)

End of the wars[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Dalek Civil War
The Dalek Emperor near the end of the wars. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks)

Over 1,000 years after their defeat on Kembel, Dalek computers predicted that the wars would eradicate the Dalek race in as little as 80 years if the defeats continued. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks)

The Dalek Emperor ordered the Daleks to capture the Doctor so that they could force him to conduct research into the Human Factor. This would this unlock the secrets of the Dalek Factor which was to be spread throughout all areas of human history, giving all humans the mentality of a Dalek and preventing the Great War from ever happening. The Supreme Council was responsible for the task. Led by a Red Dalek, an emissary for the Council, the Daleks invaded Theodore Maxtible's house on Earth in 1866 and set up operations. They kidnapped Victoria Waterfield and forced her father Edward Waterfield to steal the TARDIS from Earth in 1966 to lure the Second Doctor and his companion Jamie McCrimmon to Maxtible's house.

The Daleks had the Doctor send Jamie to rescue Victoria so that his behavioural patters could be recorded, from which the Human Factor could be distilled. It was tested on three Daleks, which the Doctor named Alpha, Beta and Omega, and proved successful as they had the mentality of human children. With the experiment complete, the Daleks returned to Skaro after destroying the house, with the Doctor, Jamie, the humanised Daleks and others following them. There, the Doctor confronted the Emperor and learned of the Daleks' true plans involving the Dalek Factor. To thwart the Daleks, the Doctor escaped captivity and infected many more of the Daleks with the Human Factor, and, like Alpha, Beta and Omega, they began to question the orders of their superiors which escalated into a full-scale rebellion. The Emperor Dalek's guards, the Black Daleks and the other remaining loyalist forces retaliated and the ensuing battle destroyed the Dalek City, seemingly taking the Dalek race with it and ending the wars. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks) The Time Lords believed that the humanised Daleks were the first instance of Dalek splinter group, and that the civil war resulted in a temporary absence of Daleks from Skaro. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)

By another account, the 4000 Time Destructor Incident came after a Dalek civil conflict which ended with Davros being taken from Necros and executed on Skaro. Following the Time Destructor Incident, the Dalek Wars lingered over the next couple of centuries, with the Daleks being gradually pushed back to Skaro. It was there that the Dalek Prime executed Operation Human Factor, leading to the Final End of the Dalek race. (PROSE: The History of the Daleks) Other accounts, however, indicated that the Daleks had survived, (COMIC: Bringer of Darkness) and that the return of Davros was still within their future. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)

Aftermath[[edit] | [edit source]]

"Never turn your back on a dead Dalek."A saying from around the year 4000 [src]

However, the Dalek Civil War did not end the Daleks as the Doctor predicted it would. In the end, the Emperor's forces proved too strong and the rebellion was crushed, (COMIC: Bringer of Darkness) although Alpha and several other humanised Daleks escaped and fled to the planet Kyrol where they began breeding. They ultimately destroyed themselves to prevent the telepathic parasite Kata-Phobus from feeding on them. (COMIC: Children of the Revolution)

The End of the Daleks by Dokktor Whit-Arkker, written 100 years after the end of the Dalek Civil War, expanded on said conflict and also noted it as part of a larger struggle between humanity and the Dalek Empire taking place in the build-up to the Human Factor Incident. After the crushing defeat of the Seventh Dalek Armada at the famous Battle of Gurnian, it became clear that the Daleks were losing. Consequently, they began their gambit with the Human and Dalek Factors to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, but their efforts ultimately led directly to the civil war. Afterwards they vanished from the galaxy but the Emperor was rumoured to have survived. (PROSE: Daleks vs Daleks!)

Back on Skaro, the Emperor's forces began rebuilding, resulting in the emergence of a new command structure, involving grey Dalek drones which largely replaced replaced the silver Daleks, although not completely, (TV: Death to the Daleks) and Gold Daleks which outranked the Black Daleks. (TV: Day of the Daleks, Frontier in Space, PROSE: Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks, War of the Daleks) The Black Dalek Leader also continued to serve as Supreme Dalek, leading the Daleks through the Movellan War (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks) and the "renegade" faction during the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War until the Seventh Doctor influenced its self-destruction. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

The Daleks built an automaton to assassinate Victoria Waterfield. Taking the form of her late father, it waited in the London graveyard where her mother was buried, expecting her to return there. However, by the time she did, a century of neglect, inaction and weather had crippled it, allowing the Doctor to easily destroy it. (PROSE: Father Figure)

Despite further encounters with them, the Second Doctor tried to deny the survival of the Daleks for a time (COMIC: Bringer of Darkness, PROSE: The Dark Path, AUDIO: Fear of the Daleks) but when he first encountered them in his third incarnation, by which point the new hierarchy was in place, he reflected on how he was wrong to believe that they had been utterly defeated. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks)

The crew of the Hank Morgan IV knew of the war with the Daleks but considered it ancient history by their native time period, during the war against the Wall of Noise. (AUDIO: The Anachronauts) By the far future, the Great War, as with other wars involving the Daleks, was considered a part of the First Segment of Time. (TV: The Ark)

The New Dalek Paradigm fought a war against the SSS through much of the 40th century. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek)

After the Last Great Time War, from the Daleks' perspective, the New Dalek Paradigm began a war with humanity and the SSS during the 40th century, meaning they were already at war when the Great War began in 4000. As the war stretched into the 41st century, the Eleventh Doctor gained the trust of the crew on Station 7 by claiming he had worked with Bret Vyon and Sara Kingdom. The SSS were impressed by his credentials and remarked that, based on his apparent youth, he must have been fighting Daleks from a young age. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek)

The phrase "Never turn your back on a dead Dalek" came from "about 4000" according to the Tenth Doctor. (PROSE: I Am a Dalek) The Twelfth Doctor held a copy of "the Daleks' master plan" on a VHS tape in the TARDIS. The Daleks had lost their own copy centuries prior, and the Doctor knew they would very much like to get it back. (PROSE: Twice Upon a Time)

Alternate timeline[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Harvesting of Urbinia

In an alternate timeline created when the First Doctor's TARDIS collided with the Second Doctor's, the former became stranded on Urbinia and never arrived on Kembel. Without the Doctor's interference, the Daleks successfully developed the Time Destructor and embarked on a campaign of destruction and conquest against which resistance proved ineffectual.

Thrown off their "correct" path, the First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Katarina were unaware of their importance to the original course of events. (AUDIO: Daughter of the Gods)

Three months after the First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Katarina arrived on Urbinia, the Dalek Fleet attacked the neighbouring planet Baralda and wiped it from existence. The Dalek Supreme issued Urbinia with an ultimatum, stating that the population was to surrender and submit to slavery or the Time Destructor would destroy the planet as shown with Baralda. Chancellor Atrias complied and fled but the Doctor took charge and organised an evacuation effort from Kiria City, which suffered preliminary Dalek bombardment, beginning the Harvesting of Urbinia.

The Daleks made planetfall in the midst of the chaotic evacuation. All other Urbinian cities surrendered after the Daleks intercepted the escaping ships. Kiria continued to resist, spurred on by the First and Second Doctors and Captain Parlos, but ultimately the Dalek ground forces surrounded the space port. The Dalek Supreme deployed the Time Destructor after Urbinia's failure to submit. However, the Second Doctor repaired his TARDIS and returned to the moment of the initial collision to prevent it from happening. The First Doctor landed on Kembel and the original timeline was restored. (AUDIO: Daughter of the Gods)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Establishment of the Great War in John Peel's novelisations[[edit] | [edit source]]

The first and most direct reference to the Great War, and the one from which the name comes, is from the prologue of John Peel's 1993 novelisation of The Evil of the Daleks. It is this prologue which establishes the bridge between The Evil of the Daleks and The Daleks' Master Plan, with the latter having said to have taken place over 1000 years prior, although an exact year is not given, narrowing down the end of the conflict to around or after the 51st century.

The Great War, with its culmination in the Dalek Civil War, serves as the sort of concluding event in Peel's interconnected series of Dalek novelisations, which also included The Chase, Mission to the Unknown and The Mutation of Time (Peel also novelised The Power of the Daleks but this instalment remains largely standalone).

The novelisation of Evil has the Daleks think of the conflict as "their Great War", which could imply that the name refers to a periodisation encompassing numerous Dalek conflicts which ultimately bled them dry, rather than being a singular war fought non-stop for a thousand years, similar to the Hundred Years' War in the real world.

Given the interconnected nature of Peel's Dalek novels, it is possible that he depicted a battle of the Great War between the Daleks and Draconians in the "Draconian Space" interlude in War of the Daleks. However, the dating of this segment is left ambiguous. The interlude could just as easily take place in another Dalek conflict the Draconians took part in, such as the Second Dalek War of the 26th century. On the other hand, the "Human Space" interlude featuring Dryn Faber clearly takes place shortly Master Plan.

The novelisation Mission to the Unknown vaguely attributes the disappearance of the Daleks from human space in the 31st century to a conflict with the Movellans, while the original televised version claims the Daleks invaded Earth.

The Great War in other stories[[edit] | [edit source]]

Peel's novelisation is not alone in asserting that the events of Master Plan sparked a war. Legacy, The Anachronauts and The Whoniverse also make references to fighting breaking out in the wake of the Kembel incident. Daughter of the Gods does likewise, though in an alternate timeline, as does The Only Good Dalek, though with the Daleks having apparently altered the timeline somewhat.

The Whoniverse doesn't necessarily follow the chronology established by Evil, even saying that the war lasted "decades" and not over 1,000 years, and suggesting the Dalek Civil War took place before the events on Kembel. It also seems to mark the period of the Great War to the beginning of the Dalek Wars as a whole. In addition, it seems to encompass the Dalek invasions of Mars and Venus, (TV: Genesis of the Daleks) the war against the Combined Galactic Resistance (TV: Into the Dalek) and the Exxilon Gambit (TV: Death to the Daleks) as parts of the post-Kembel conflict. Into the Dalek takes place post-Time War, but like The Only Good Dalek, there may be time travel involved. The Exxilon Gambit has been established as taking place in an earlier period of history. Too avoid too much confusion, this article clarifies that the information in The Whoniverse stems from an in-universe history book, subject to its own internal inaccuracies.

Invalid sources[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Terrestrial Index (1991) identified the 4000 Dalek attack as the "Fourth Dalek War", which was followed a century or so later by the Dalek Civil War.

Making no mention of the Great War, The Discontinuity Guide claimed the Dalek Civil War, far from following the Time Destructor Incident, took place before even the 2150s Dalek invasion of Earth. The 4000 event itself was, from the Daleks' perspective, their last recorded encounter with the Doctor before the Fourth Doctor's interference with their creation[1] created a whole new timeline in which Davros survived, such that this event would have occurred vastly differently if it happened at all.[2]

The Dalek Handbook, which this wiki does not consider a valid source, also claims Evil takes place in the aftermath of Master Plan but makes no mention of any war and still dates Evil to the 41st century, with the Daleks continuing to experiment with time travel.

The 2010 edition of The Visual Dictionary, which is considered invalid by this wiki for being non-narrative, states merely that the self-destruction of the Daleks' alliance embroiled them in "new conflicts".

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]