Hacked was a comic strip published in Free Comic Book Day 2016.
Publisher's summary
The Doctor, Rose and Jack encounter a planet-defacing artist.
to be added
- The Doctor believed the Aesirians were all destroyed millennia ago, during a war involving every cosmic superpower, including the Daemons, Osirons, Sutekh, Euterpians and the Time Lords.
- Taggani remembers the Doctor putting his mind up for sale on Fluren's World.
- The Doctor calls upon the Shadow Proclamation to deal with Taggani, with Judoon ships arriving.
- The Doctor feels the Eye of Orion looks a lot like Wales. The sequences in The Five Doctors featuring the Eye were shot in Plas Brondanw, in North Wales.
Original print details
to be added
- The Doctor describes the Eye of Orion as "the most tranquil place in the universe". (TV: The Five Doctors)
- The Doctor says he is not a fan of stories where everybody dies. (TV: The Doctor Dances)
- Jack wonders if this is another weapon from the Time War. (COMIC: Weapons of Past Destruction)
- The Doctor dealt with another Worldshaper before. (COMIC: The World Shapers).