The Bleeding Heart was the first story of The Ninth Doctor Chronicles.
Publisher's summary
Galen is a place where people come to heal. The renowned "planet of peace" seems the ideal venue for talks between two warring races. But when death disrupts the diplomacy, Cosmic Nine news reporter Adriana Jarsdel uncovers a different story. Luckily, someone is there to help. A battle-weary veteran from another war. The Doctor has come to Galen – but is he looking for peace, or something else entirely?
to be added
- Adriana Jarsdel - Claire Wyatt
- Narrator - Nicholas Briggs
Uncredited cast
- Ninth Doctor - Nicholas Briggs (BFX: The Ninth Doctor Chronicles)
- Adriana reported on the riots on Slarvia.
- The Doctor uses his psychic paper on Adriana and several others; he fails to convince Adriana that he represents the BBC Transworld Service.
- The physic paper doesn't work on Adriana due to her psychic abilities.
- The Doctor uses Article 27 of the Shadow Proclamation to requisition Adriana's recording equipment.
- Rassilon sealed the Compassionate in a rift at the heart of Galen during the Last Great Time War.
Story notes
- Galen is the name of a famous healer from antiquity.
- This story is set before the events of TV: Rose, as the Ninth Doctor still has the War Doctor's sonic screwdriver.
- In-universe this marks the second chronological appearance of the Ninth Doctor, the first being the regeneration of his war incarnation in The Day of the Doctor.
- Adriana Jarsdel asks if the Ninth Doctor has been on Gharusa all this time because he is not aware of the peace talks. The Doctor later visits Gharusa Prime with Rose Tyler and Jack Harkness. (COMIC: Doctormania)
- The Doctor's sonic screwdriver has a red light at the top. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
- The Doctor uses the phrase "running about like a headless Krafayis". (TV: Vincent and the Doctor)
- Adriana sees visions of a girl in the Doctor's future, taking his hand and helping him heal from his dark past. (TV: Rose)
- The Doctor invites Adriana to travel with him, only to have her die soon after; this will become a common occurrence in his future. (TV: The Parting of the Ways, The Girl in the Fireplace, Voyage of the Damned, The Snowmen, The God Complex, Death in Heaven)
External links
- Official The Bleeding Heart page at