The sixth series in the The Early Adventures range of audios was released by Big Finish Productions in 2019. It was the first series with both First and Second Doctors who appeared in two special releases for Big Finish's 20th anniversary of Doctor Who audio. It also featured the reunion of the Second Doctor andthe Master, portrayed by James Dreyfus, as well as the recast of Katarina, played by Ajjaz Awad.
The sixth series of The Early Adventures saw a format shift for the range: instead of four releases, it was the first to contain only two stories. Also, it marked David Richardson's last series as producer. (VOR 125)
# | Title | Author | Director | Doctor | Featuring | Released | Pr. code |
6.1 | The Home Guard | Simon Guerrier | Lisa Bowerman | 2nd | Ben, Polly, Jamie, the Master | 13 November 2019 | BFPDWEA21 |
6.2 | Daughter of the Gods | David K Barnes | Jamie, Zoe, First Doctor, Steven, Katarina | BFPDWEA22 |
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